Experts reveal candies that cause cancer



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Food experts have discovered the most dangerous types of "delicious chemical foods", which can cause many diseases, including cancer.

Pastries and cakes, sprinkled with cheap food coloring, were ranked first among the priorities. The materials used in their industry are mainly derived from crude oil, resulting in a deficit of attention and attention. hyperactivity, as well as tumors in children, reported Food News.

Malignant tumors can also be caused by regular consumption of soda because their composition contains a genetically modified corn syrup containing a lot of fructose and phosphoric acid.

Corn syrup and food coloring are present in many sweets. Experts therefore advise you to exclude these products from your diet and replace sweets with organic fruit juices.

The hot chocolate came at the end of the order, the reason is that this product often comes in its ingredients, refined sugar and hydrogenated oil, the same goes for sweet candies, Brownie, they contain oils GM.

A former US research team warned against excessive consumption of high-carbohydrate foods such as potatoes, corn, cereals and products such as bread, sweets and baked goods that lead to osteoporosis .

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