News 24 What is the best during the day? Many meals are small or vice versa? What does this have to do with diabetes?


PhotoThere is a great conflict of opinion about the ideal number of meals a day and the importance of this metabolism for health.

Metabolism is an internal chemical reaction essential to the maintenance of life, defined as the number of calories burned by the body during a given period.

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Healthline said that the idea of ​​eating "small" meals at frequent intervals increases metabolism, just like a myth.

It is true that the digestion of the meal increases the metabolism, but the total amount of food consumed determines the amount of energy consumed during digestion.

Eating three meals of 800 calories each will give the same result as 6 meals of 400 calories each. Therefore, reducing the number of meals and increasing the number of meals will not increase the rate of metabolism or the number of calories burned during the day.

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Low-volume meals also reduce average blood sugar every day, he added, adding that eating as many calories as possible in the morning and reducing the number of days and nights reduces blood sugar.

On the neglect of breakfast, Healthline explained that there was no evidence that neglecting breakfast was harmful to health, but recommended that diabetics take a "healthy" breakfast and consume most calories early in the morning.

He also explained that missing a meal from time to time also contributes to weight loss and improves control of blood sugar levels.

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