The secret of the club's thought in tears is the match between Liverpool and Arsenal .. and a message from Salah to Fermino


Dubai, UAE (CNN) – "I was about to cry," said Liverpool coach Jurgen Klopp after commenting on a scene in which Egyptian players Mohammed Salah and the Brazilian Roberto Fermino won their draw 0-0. At the Arsenal team at the Premier League football matches.

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When Liverpool won a penalty against Arsenal on Saturday night, Salah decided not to pay for the Premier League title, preferring that Ferminho scored the hat trick in the match with three goals against Arsenal.

"When Mu gave Bobby the penalty, I was about to cry, we all know how much Mo wants to score, but he gave it to Bobby," the club said in a statement.

For his part, Salah posted photos of Ferminho and his teammates in Liverpool via his Twitter account, sending him a congratulatory message for his performance at the meeting, which allowed them to take control of the Premier League.

In its last game in 2018, Liverpool beat Arsenal 5-0 on Saturday night, leading the league with a big lead over rivals Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester City.

With a win over Arsenal, Liverpool has scored 54 points in 20 games so far this season without losing, 17 wins and 3 draws in total.

With 9 points, Tottenham was second with 45 points in 20 games while Manchester City, who finished last season, had 44 points in 19 games.

Ferminho scored 3 goals for Arsenal in the 14th, 16th and 65th minutes, while Sadio Mani's goal was scored in the 32nd minute.

Mohamed Salah has scored a penalty, scoring 13 goals since the start of the Ligue 1 season, bringing Tottenham Hotspur striker, Harry Kane, and Pierre Emeric Obamyang, of Arsenal.

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