News 24 Reserved for pregnant women. Keep these meals to the fetus


ExpressiveThe well-known Bold Skye website warned against taking pregnant women for these meals because they would hurt the fetus and cause it to be abused and cause illness.

According to the website, the side effects of junk food during pregnancy? No woman wants to be sterile: a good amount of nutrients is needed during pregnancy to increase the healthy weight and healthy growth of your child's mind, bones, organs and immune system.

Fast food does not help you meet your dietary needs because it contains no nutrients and leaves you no room to get healthy foods like fruits or vegetables when you feel full.

Here's how fast food can affect women's fertility:

1. Increased risk of allergy and asthma: The high rate of sugar in fast foods increases the risk of allergy. According to a study published in the European Respiratory Journal, women who added sugars in the form of sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup or fruit juice or honey in their diet during pregnancy increased the risk of breast cancer. allergies and asthma.

2. Genetic abnormalities in the newborn: can be high A study has shown that the risks of genetic abnormalities can be high if a woman takes too much fast food. According to one study, women who followed a diet high in fat or sugar during pregnancy had a double secretion of peripheral insulin and mitochondrial dysfunction in their offspring.

3. Can cause low birth weight in children: foods such as fried potatoes, bread, chips, fried chicken and others contain large amounts of starch. These foods, baked or boiled at temperatures above 250 degrees Fahrenheit, convert starch into a chemical called acrylamide. High levels of acrylamide can reduce head circumference and reduce birth weight.

4. May cause gastrointestinal problems. Unwanted foods can irritate your stomach and cause gastrointestinal problems. This can lead to gas, bloating and indigestion. Fast food also lacks fiber, which is essential for the soft saddle.

5. Increase the risk of gestational diabetes. Did you know that eating fast foods can increase the risk of pregnancy diabetes? Unwanted foods high in sugar and calories can increase the risk of gestational diabetes. Pregnancy with saccharin is a form of sugar in the blood that affects pregnant women.

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