The importance of calcium for the pregnant woman and the fetus together


Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. It contains 99% of its bone volume. Its deficiency during pregnancy threatens the strength of the mother's bones, especially pregnant women under 25 years of age. And other information provided by Dr. Noha Yassin, professor of nutrition at the National Institute, in simplified points.

Calcium, for example, requires the formation of bone, iron, blood.Some minerals participate in the synthesis of certain enzymes or play an auxiliary role in the various chemical processes of the body.

* The difference between minerals and vitamins is great: inorganic minerals are not affected and do not break with heat. During cooking: Vegetables containing vitamins and minerals, some vitamins are damaged by heat and the minerals are not altered.

* Researchers stress the importance of ensuring the amount of calcium in the body before pregnancy because bone density is reduced during the first three months of pregnancy.

* The calcium concentration in the developing fetus during pregnancy is greater than its concentration in the mother's body, indicating that the fetus continuously draws calcium from the mother's body.

* Calcium is used in the future to strengthen the bones and teeth of the fetus, and the attention of the mother during pregnancy to eat a sufficient amount of calcium is reflected later on the teeth of her son : Solid teeth then solidify against the mother who suffers from a calcium deficiency during pregnancy.

* Each day, pregnant women need about 700 mg of calcium, half of which usually comes from dairy products such as cheese and yogurt and about a quarter of the bread and baked goods in general.

* The remaining quarter of the amount of calcium received by pregnant women from various sources, such as green leafy vegetables, figs and fish, sardines and tuna – which eat bone – is a good source of calcium, in addition to consuming two cups of milk a day.

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* The appropriate daily amount for pregnant women of calcium 700 milligrams:

Whole milk or lightened pint = 780 milligrams of calcium

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Sardines 100 grams = 550 milligrams of calcium

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* 25 grams of cottage cheese = 210 milligrams of calcium

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* Spinach 100 grams = 160 milligrams of calcium

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