Report: Astronauts will be isolated from the Earth


Oleg Kotov, deputy director of the Russian Institute for Medical and Biological Research, said astronauts would face the problem of their long-term isolation from the Earth.

The International Space Station (ISS) is the perfect place to simulate the isolation of the space that astronauts will have to face during long space travels to the Moon and other planets, Kotov said.

Kotov said that the medical services provided to astronauts in the space station are based on contact with the ground and the possibility of returning at any time. Being on the moon or in orbit, for example, excludes this possibility and forces astronauts to rely only on their own resources.

The isolation of astronauts at the exit of space forces scientists and experts to conduct simulated experiments inside the International Space Station to predict the problems that astronauts can face far from the Earth, said the official.

The space isolation experiments are being conducted in the field as part of the Lunar Lunar Station preparations and should remain in a secluded room in the surrounding world and belong to the Russian Institute for Medical and Biological Research for a period of time. from 17 days to a full year.

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