If you suffer from tinnitus .. These signs of iron deficiency


Headaches are among the symptoms of iron deficiency in the body - archival image

Headaches are among the symptoms of iron deficiency in the body – archival image

Iron deficiency in the body is a serious illness that can affect humans. It is therefore dangerous to ignore the person who has the symptoms of the disease, or is unable to identify, to be infected with anemia caused by iron deficiency that affects all body members by dependence, Lung, heart and even ear.

The most important sign of iron deficiency, which leads to anemia, is the lack of red blood cells, as well as hypoglycemia in the blood.

He noted that one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency in the body was the observation of tinnitus in the ears. Although the cause is unknown until now, the University of Maryland in the United States has confirmed the connection between tinnitus and anemia caused by iron deficiency in the body .

Other symptoms of iron deficiency can range from heavy hair loss to bronchitis to hair loss, to the desire to eat strange ingredients such as paper and snow, difficulty swallowing and ulcers of the mouth.

The causes of iron deficiency are many and include: loss of large amounts of blood following an accident, surgery, internal bleeding, celiac disease (inability to absorb iron in food), or loss of blood in the body due to at gastric ulcers, incidence of anemia in women due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation and iron deficiency in the blood due to a lack of vegetables and fruits.

Vagnini explained that women with anemia were common and very common, with the exception of women with hereditary blood pigment, which accumulates iron levels in the blood over the years. You should therefore consult your doctor regularly to know the iron levels in your body and follow appropriate treatment.

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