The seventh day will mark the scenes of Muamen Zakaria, the team's playmaker, with Mahmoud al-Khatib, president of the club, after the team's performance on Monday.
A source inside the balloon revealed details of Ahli during the session, which began calling Khatib to the international wing and asking him the reasons for his anger and his request to reinstate the contracts to extend his contract.
Muamen Zakaria told Khatib that he was totally indifferent, which is why all the players who got his job have the opportunity to participate in the exception. Limit his recipe.
Muamen al-Khatib revealed that since his return from secondment to Saudi Arabia, he had only played five games in which he had scored two goals.
For his part, Mahmoud al-Khatib assured Zakaria that he was one of the most important elements of the offensive team, indispensable and promised the international striker to study the matter in order to make decisions in favor of club and player.
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