Daily Mail: Lack of sleep at night and nap during the day make you more prone to dementia


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – People who take naps during the day are at increased risk of dementia, according to a new scientific study.

The researchers said that those who like naps get more protein "Tau" Which could lead to dementia, the scientists said that the lack of deep sleep at night nourished those brain proteins that destroy nerve cells.

A study of over 100 elderly people found that those who did not sleep well enough at night also had more "tau" protein, which resulted in memory loss and confusion.

Mental capacity naturally decreases with age in men in their thirties and in women in their fifties.

People with a number of Tau proteins in the brain slept more at night and more during the day, but did not sleep well, said Professor Brendan Lucy, director of the Center for Sleep Medicine at the University of Washington at St. Louis.

Published results are added in Translational medicine science More and more evidence is linking sleep deprivation, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

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