Astronomers have discovered "mysterious signals" from a very distant galaxy taken by a giant astronomical observatory in Canada, according to a recent scientific study published in the journal Nature.
The scientists said that the nature of these astronomical signals and the origin of the radio wave impulses were still unknown, but that they came from a galaxy far away.
Of the 13 radio waves known as "fast radio flux", there was an unusual redundant signal emitted by the same source at 1.5 billion light years.
Scientists have said that this happened only once before, and monitored by another astronomical observatory, according to the BBC.
"There are other suggestions for the existence of such a thing in space," said Ingrid Steer, a physicist at the University of British Columbia. "With more than one rehearsal and more than one source of study, we may be able to understand this cosmic puzzle.
The observatory that captured this mysterious space signal is the Chaime Observatory of the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada, consisting of four 100-meter semi-circular antennas, capable of scan every day all the northern part of the space.
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