& # 39; Yoto 2 & # 39; publishes a panoramic image of the hidden face of the moon


BEIJING (Reuters) – The Chinese Yoto 2 (Jade 2) has sent a panoramic image of its landing site on the far side of the moon, showing a greyish rocky nature with many craters.
On January 3, the unmanned Chinese vessel "Chang A4" managed to land on the moon, on its hidden side of the Earth, for the first time in the history of the invasion of space .
The hidden side does not appear to the Earth because the Moon during its rotation remains only one face and that the second is blocked.
Many pictures of him were taken, but no vehicle landed. The first of these was taken in 1959 and taken by a Soviet investigation.
The new image was taken with a camera installed on the vehicle and released Friday by the Chinese Space Agency.
360 degree panoramic view showing part of the vehicle, a gray rocky area and the effects of the probe wheels.

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