News 24 Vitamins are essential for those who want to quit


ExpressiveExperts revealed substances that had to be present in the diet of anyone trying to quit smoking, namely that it was necessary to take four vitamins in the food and make supplements.

Experts recommend first to restore the level of vitamin "C" responsible for body immunity and resistance to a number of diseases. Therefore, anyone who wants to stop smoking should include fruits and vegetables containing a high percentage of this vitamin in their daily diet, as well as supplementing them.

The second vitamin needed by the body is vitamin "E", because the person often smoked to reduce stress. This vitamin is responsible for improving the body's adaptation to poor mental conditions, making it necessary to combat the desire to smoke.

Vitamin group "B" has a similar effect on the human nervous system. These vitamins help strengthen and calm the nervous system and overcome the problems of life. Vitamins B6 and B12 also help make life easier without a cigarette.

According to experts, it is necessary to include the amino acid "L-theanine" in the diet, because it ensures the consistency of work of all devices.

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