Do you want to quit? .. 8 meals help you defeat the … Masrawy


6:19 p.m.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I wrote – Nermin the Executioner:

Nicotine is the causative substance that makes it difficult to stop smoking, which is one of the addictive substances. We present you a range of foods and vitamins that help to stop smoking, according to the sites "webm" and "medica medtech forum".

Vitamin C:

It is considered responsible for the immunity of the body and resistance to a number of diseases. Therefore, all those who want to stop smoking, including fruits and vegetables that contain a large proportion of them in the daily diet, or take them as a supplement.

2. orange:

Nicotine has the effect of reducing vitamin C in the body, but oranges compensate for this deficiency and reduce the signs of stress and confusion caused by the need for nicotine.

3 spinach:

Containing folic acid or vitamin B9, known to rid the body of nicotine, which helps to disrupt normal sleep patterns. Folic acid is also needed to combat the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal in the blood.


One of the best alternative fruits to cigarettes, it contains an acid that helps remove nicotine from the blood faster than usual and helps nicotine increase blood sugar levels in the same way as cranberries.


Lemon strengthens the body's affected cells and helps boost the immune system through citric acid and vitamin C, which combat the unwanted symptoms of smoking.


We know that cabbage or cabbage is a vegetable of the carnivore family, and the more we take, the lower the risk of cancer.

Juice of 7 tomatoes:

Eating half a cup of tomato juice every morning for 15 consecutive days can help stop smoking because it contains nicotine that gets into the bloodstream and saturates the body and replaces nicotine-damaging cigarettes.

8. Eat vitamin E:

Stress relief. This vitamin is responsible for improving the body's adaptation to poor mental conditions, making it necessary to combat the desire to smoke.

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