This is the secret of the winter holidays


Elderly people who suffer from coldness in the limbs and body in winter are severe and have become young even during the "coldest" period, which lasts 50 days in winter, and the poor suffer more than the rich because of lack money to buy fuel oil A powerhouse will pay them a high monthly bill. That's why Health said that six reasons, according to him, were to feel cold even when it was fine in the winter, noting that some may indicate certain diseases, especially if you feel that your limbs are almost frozen.

Women are colder than men
Women feel colder than men, while diabetics and people with thyroid problems have the coldest.

Excessive thinness means the body lacks enough cold-needed fat for the family, and lack of food means that the body does not have enough calories to protect it from the cold, which should be avoided by eating appropriate foods. .

Iron deficiency
Iron deficiency is an important factor in the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen to all cells in the body to reflect their ability to withstand the cold. Especially eggs and fish.

Circulatory problems
Lack of blood circulation at the extremities makes them very cold, which may indicate circulatory system problems, cardiac efficiency and the ability to pump blood to the limbs, or may be caused by problems with the body's arteries .

Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep affects the brain's ability to regulate body temperature, resulting in poor blood circulation in the body and lower body temperature.

lack of water
Water represents 60% of the body weight, it helps to regulate body temperature. In case of lack of water, the body temperature does not reach the required levels, which causes a sensation of cold in the person.

Vitamin deficiency
The lack of vitamin B-12 reduces the body's ability to make red blood cells, which helps transfer oxygen to the extremities of the body, which means a poor ability to withstand the cold.

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