Mourners: Omani fans celebrate with Qatar players after victory over Iraq


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Social media activists are airing Omani fans' videos with Qatari players after the match and Qatari player Bassam Al-Rawi has thanked the fans after the match.

The celebration of the Omani masses with Qatar players after the victory against Saudi Arabia last Thursday, a huge controversy on social networking sites and a big surprise to Saudi fans,

Activists via social networking sites have broadcast a video showing the celebration of some Oman fans with Qatar players after the end of the match with a blank goal for Qatar.

CNN can not independently verify what's going on on social networking sites. J

After the match, Al-Rawi told the sports channel that he was thanking the Omani supporters for their support. A segment of Omani fans paid tribute to the Qatar players at the end of the match.

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