The siteScience liveAstronomer Paul M. Sutter is quoted as saying: "There are three simple steps that could destroy the Earth: the destruction of the Earth is not an easy task, but there are ways to do it", he declares. "The planet could be destroyed within a week if all solar energy, but there is no way to do that.
Sutter said that the earth could explode if we "tear" the layers gradually and send magma into space. We need to make sure that the layer loses its connection with gravity.
Step 1: Perform calculations. To implement the plan, it will require an energy of about 10 to 32 joules..
Step 2: Find the right source of energy. For example, in 2013, humans consumed only 10 to 20 joules for all existing mechanisms. If we combine all the energy of this planet, it will take 1,000 billion years to reach the required size.
Therefore, the astrophysicist suggested using the sun's energy.
Step 3: Wait. Sutter thinks that if the whole surface of the planet is covered with solar batteries, the Earth will begin to absorb 100% of the solar radiation, not a part of it. After 18 million years, it will be possible to get enough energy.
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