Galatasaray is in the running to join Trezeguet and Kassem Pasha claims 12 million euros


The Turkish club Galatasaray has intensified its negotiations with the Qassem Pasha administration to obtain the services of the star of the Egyptian team Mahmoud Trezeguet during the present transfer.

The Turkish media announced that Galatasaray had proposed to his counterpart Kasim Pasha to sign an 11 million euro contract with Mahmoud Trezeguet before the end of the current transfer deadline, after having requested an increase of 12 million euros. euros.

For its part, Egyptian star Mahmoud Trezeguet has expressed his desire to go to the ranks of Galata Sarai during the next transfer.

In a statement to the newspaper "tunes"Turkish", if Galatasaray wants to hire me, I also want to play for him. "

Mahmoud Trezeguet set a new record in the current edition of the Turkish Championship.

Mahmoud Trezeguet managed to implement eight dodgers during his participation in the Kasim Pasha and Bashak Shahir match, which took place last Monday in the competition of the 19th round of the Turkish competition, which ended in defeat. of Qassim Pasha and who has 2 goals..

Mahmoud Trezeguet managed to break his record after having managed 7 dribbles during his participation in the Kasim Pasha match against Riza Sport, which took place in the "Qassim Pasha" stadium, in the 18th round of the competition. the Turkish League, the only player in the current version of the competition, which implemented Such successes in a match in front of all the stars of the Turkish League, including giants Galata Saray, Besktas and Fenerbahce.

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