The US company Power of Poitivity has released a report revealing natural ways to treat food poisoning, including diarrhea, nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite and headaches.
The site, in its report translated by "ArabEight home remedies that will help relieve the pain and eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, but sometimes it is necessary to consult a doctor.The symptoms of food poisoning appear immediately after taking toxic foods or expired.
The site explained that food poisoning was due to the presence of certain parasites in food, such as Toxoplasma. Usually this parasite is found in litter and can be fatal if it reaches the human diet, especially in pregnant women and people whose immune systems are impaired.
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The site indicated that bacterial food poisoning is the most common, such as salmonella bacteria in mayonnaise, eggs and chicken, Escherichia coli in fresh vegetables and Clostridium botulinum bacteria that cause food poisoning after consumed contaminated food.
The site adds that viruses are among the causes of food poisoning and that norovirus is one of the most common deadly viruses. The virus is responsible for more than 19 million cases of food poisoning a year, often due to the consumption of lettuce or fresh fruit contaminated.
People suffering from food poisoning can resort to immediate medical treatment, but this is not always necessary. Despite the many scary symptoms, you can find the ingredients needed to treat foodborne illness at home, as follows:
First: apple cider vinegar is characterized by the antibacterial properties of E. coli, Salmonella and Clostridium botulinum. Because it contains many minerals and enzymes, apple cider vinegar helps hydrate the body and maintain its stability. To prepare the treatment, you can mix one or two tablespoonful of cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and drink the mixture two or three times a day until symptoms disappear.
Secondly, essential oils help eliminate harmful bacteria that are transmitted to our bodies through food. According to some studies, oregano oil contains antimicrobial components that remove pathogens from the body. This oil is used by adding a drop of it in a glass of water and drinking the mixture once or twice a day until symptoms disappear.
Third: thyme oil can eliminate food-borne diseases because it contains carpacrol, thymol and linalool, which help eliminate pathogens from the body. This treatment is used in the same way as the oil of oregano.
Fourth: Garlic helps to restore activity after food poisoning and helps cure typical symptoms of food-borne diseases, such as diarrhea. You must eat two or three cloves of garlic, honey can be added to reduce the taste.
Fifth: eat honey and ginger cooked over low heat will have the same effect as garlic in the treatment of symptoms of food poisoning. Add one or two slices of ginger with a glass of water in a saucepan and let boil for 5 minutes before stirring. Once the mixture has cooled, honey is added and the patient takes the mixture for at least three days until it is hardened.
Sixth: Grapefruit fruit contains antimicrobial properties that act to eliminate pathogens. It should be noted that the therapeutic capacity of grapefruit is usually extracted from its seeds. To prepare the treatment, add 8 to 10 drops of grapefruit extract in a glass of water and drink for 3 to 5 days.
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Seventh: Lemon juice is useful in the treatment of food poisoning because it contains antioxidants that will improve your overall health. In addition to its antibacterial properties, lemon helps eliminate digestive problems. To get rid of the effects of food poisoning, half a lemon must be squeezed into a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey and the mixture should be consumed two to three times a day.
Eighth: The leaves of basil relieve the gastric pains thanks to their antimicrobial properties. To try this treatment, extract the juice from a handful of basil leaves, add a teaspoon of honey and consume the mixture three to four times a day, depending on your needs.
In conclusion, the site confirmed that this list included the most effective treatments in the fight against the symptoms of food poisoning. If your condition does not improve, see your doctor. The best way to prevent foodborne illness is to eat healthy foods. Avoid eating leftovers that have been left in the refrigerator for more than three days as they are susceptible to contamination.
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