Causes of neuritis, including diabetes and some medications


The nervous system controls the whole human body, from respiratory regulation to muscle control, through temperature and cold, so any problem in your nerves or nervous system affects the whole body.Web Md"He said.

Causes of neuritis and pain

The effect of nerves on your body

The nervous system plays a major role in all the processes carried out by your body. So, nerve pain or inflammation can seriously affect the quality of your life. There are three types of nerves in the body:

– Nerve nerves, these nerves automatically control the activities performed by the body, including heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and temperature regulation.

– The motor nerves control your movements and actions by transmitting information from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles.

– Sensory nerves: these nerves transfer information from your skin and muscles to the spinal cord and brain. This information is then processed to allow you to feel the pain and other sensations.

Causes of neuritis that controls your entire body
The nervous system controls your whole body

Causes of neuropathy

There are more than 100 different types of neuritis, different species can have different symptoms and may require different types of treatment. Here are the causes of neuritis.

A variety of autoimmune diseases can cause inflammation of the nerves, including: multiple sclerosis, Gilan-Bare syndrome (a rare condition characterized by the immune system attacking the peripheral nerves), severe muscular dystrophy, lupus and inflammatory bowel disease.

– Cancer, cancer can cause nerve pain and nerve damage in many ways. In some cases, nerve cells can drive the nerves, in other cases, some cancers can cause a lack of nutrition, affect the function of the nerves, certain types of chemotherapy and radiation neuritis.

– Compression / trauma: Anything that causes trauma or nerve pressure can lead to pain and nerve damage, including compressed nerves in the neck, carpal tunnel syndrome.

Diabetes: up to 70% of diabetic patients suffer from nerve damage, which becomes more likely as the disease progresses. If you have diabetes and have symptoms of nerve pain, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

– Side effects of medications can cause inflammation of the nerves, when various substances absorbed in the body have the capacity to cause nerve pain and nerve damage, and include some chemotherapy drugs for cancer and some drugs used to treat HIV , which can lead to toxic substances that can be accidentally ingested, including lead, arsenic and mercury, damage the nerves.

– Neuromuscular neuromuscular diseases are the nerves of the brain and spine that connect to your body's muscles and include diseases that affect those nerves, peripheral lateral sclerosis.

– Undernourishment may cause certain defects in certain nutrients, including vitamins B6 And B12 , At the onset of nerve inflammation symptoms.

– Infectious diseases such as: Lyme disease, Herpes virus, HIV and Hepatitis C.

What causes neuritis?

Symptoms of neuropathy

There can be a wide range of symptoms depending on the location and type of nerves affected, which can damage the nerves of the brain and spinal cord, as well as the peripheral nerves located throughout the body.

Irritable nerves can lead to the following symptoms:

– Frequent sweating (hyperhidrosis) or very low sweating.

– vertigo.

Dry your eyes and mouth.

– constipation.

– weakness of the bladder.

– incapacity.

Damage to the motor nerves can lead to the following symptoms:

– weakness.

Muscular dystrophy

– The trick.

– Paralysis

Sensory nerve damage can cause the following symptoms:

– Pain

– sensitivity.

– Tingling.

– In some cases, people with nerve inflammation suffer from symptoms indicating lesions to two or three types of nerves.

Causes of neuropathy
Causes of neuropathy

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