NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Single men tend to have a stronger body odor than their married counterparts, according to a new study from the Australian University of Macquarie.
In the details, according to "Russia Today", after a previous study revealing that testosterone levels among singles was higher, the researchers urged men involved in sweating, and asked a group of women to feel their shirt , to see if the differences in smell were clear.
Not only did single men have a stronger body odor, but the study found that women also considered their faces more masculine than men who lived in an emotional relationship.
In the new study, published in the journal "Frontiers", researchers began to determine whether the odor of single men and married people was different, depending on their testosterone.
To do this, 82 women evaluated the rate of body odor and the face of men aged 18 to 35 years. The researchers cut off the armpit of the shirts so that women could feel and evaluate.
The study found that women often rated the associated men 's smell, an average of 3 out of 6 on the scale of smell. In contrast, single men had an average smell of 3.5.
Similarly, single men were classified as more masculine than men in relationships.
"According to this hypothesis, singles have smelled stronger than those recorded by married men," wrote the researchers in the newspaper. "The faces of single men were even more masculine than men's."
In addition to testosterone levels, researchers say that "non-hormonal" lifestyle differences may play a role.
A study published in 2013 found that women were generally more attracted to men with higher testosterone levels, but only when ovulation stage.
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