The United States is planning to go to the moon


The British Independent newspaper published a report on US plans to visit the moon and stay there.

She cited the announcement by NASA's director, Jim Brydenstein, of the US plan to create his own inhabited base on the ground station.

Brydenstein said the purpose of these plans was to send astronauts permanently to the moon over the next decade and called for "the brightest and brightest American industry to help the design and development of vehicles allowing landing on the Moon ".

"What we mean by returning to the moon, it's not like NASA did 50 years ago, but stay, using new technologies and new systems to explore more sites on the Moon, "he said.

Until now, NASA has contracted with nine companies for sending shipments to the moon, the ultimate goal being to develop a spacecraft to transport astronauts to the moon. Earth to the Moon and vice versa.

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