Large-scale meals are the causes of the global obesity epidemic


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – According to a new international study, restaurants around the world offer more calories than recommended.

Researchers from a team supported by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation in Brazil weighed and measured the energy content of meals served in restaurants in Brazil, China, Finland, Ghana and India.

It turns out that 94% of the most popular dishes served in these restaurants contain more than 600 kilocalories of calories, the limit recently recommended by the British National Health Service to help reduce obesity worldwide.

About three-quarters (72%) of famous fast foods exceed recommended levels. The researchers found that some of the most popular meals were bigger and more caloric.

"We are not just eating the wrong food, but we are neglecting important factors such as the large amount of food we eat, which can also have a significant impact on obesity," said Viviane Son, assistant author, from the Ribeirao Preto School of Sao Paulo. Global ".

The World Health Organization considers that obesity is a global epidemic and a major factor in the development of heart disease, heart attacks and diabetes, among other diseases. It is estimated that 1.9 billion adults are overweight and 600 million are obese in the world.

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