Several studies have shown that there are foods that restore blood pressure to its natural state more than others, by cleaning the arteries and removing plaque, and help increase the intake of blood. Oxygen in the blood to nourish the organs and the brain.
It is a food that helps maintain the balance of blood pressure and advises people with hypertension to increase the treatment:
– Carrots: rich in potassium, it is advisable to drink natural carrot juice daily, because it helps to regulate the heartbeat and to maintain the renal function.
Garlic: Treatment of many health problems It is recommended to eat 5 small pieces of garlic a day, then to drink a glass of water or to mix 6 drops of garlic juice with 4 tbsp.
Almond: contains magnesium, which helps to relax and bring blood pressure back to normal, where 30 grams of almonds contain 20% of the recommended magnesium per day.
Nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation throughout the body, including arteries.Many researchers believe that not eating enough nuts and seeds is a responsible dietary risk cardiovascular diseases.
– Flaxseed: Helps reduce levels of high blood pressure gradually until balance is restored.
– Cinnamon: Studies have shown that cinnamon helps reduce high blood pressure, reduce "metabolic syndrome" and lower blood sugar levels, as well as cholesterol and triglycerides.
– spinach: because they contain potassium, folate and mega-gases, they contribute to the reduction of blood pressure, while containing healthy healthy fibers.
– Bananas: Bananas provide a large amount of potassium, which helps regulate blood circulation and adjust blood pressure.
Beet Beet is the most powerful natural remedy for high blood pressure because it contains natural nitrates that are converted to nitric oxide, which improves blood pressure. Bitter beet juice is preferable to cooked beetroot.
– Leafy vegetables: green leaflets reduce heart disease and blood pressure; it is therefore recommended to increase the consumption.
– Tomato: Lycopene is a very important substance for the human body, also available in watermelon, which is very beneficial for people with hypertension and also protects against exposure to heart disease.
The watermelon contains lycopene, which lowers blood pressure, and citroline, which increases the body's nitric oxide stock, which contributes to the relaxation and reduction of hypertension .
– Mango: research has confirmed that mango consumption contributes to the reduction of high blood levels in just two hours and contains the components necessary for healing the heart and that the blood vessels are mangefirine, quercetin and glutane.
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