A natural way to prevent cancer


Concentrate on some meals constantly.

According to a recent scientific study, it is possible to prevent the incidence of all types of cancer by focusing on the constant consumption of certain meals.

According to Care2, you should always pay attention to buying food before making your purchases, so they are always available in our kitchen:

Orange color
Do not consume artificially added foods, which are a cause of cancer, so it is advisable to add more orange fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, mangos, pumpkins and apricots, as these foods contain large amounts of carotenoids, including beta-carotene. Anti-cancer food.

Avoid processed meat
Do not consume deli meats, cold cuts, cold cuts, hot dogs and sausages as most of these foods contain carcinogenic nitrates.

Eat organic foods
Recent scientific experiments have shown that switching to organic foods rather than pesticide-laden vegetables and fruits can reduce the risk of cancer by 25% overall and by 73% for cancer of the lymph nodes.

Adjust the cooking temperature
It is recommended to cook at low temperature. When the meat is heated to high temperature or when it is caught by a flame, compounds called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and PAHs, both known to cause cancer, may be formed.

Natural vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights the free radicals associated with cancer. It is therefore important to consume enough of this vitamin.

Experts stress the need to take vitamin C from natural sources, such as fruits and vegetables that are rich, as reported in research published in the journal Molecular Biology, that vitamin C reduces the effects of HCA non-homogeneous carcinogens.

Vegetables with mustard
A study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Asia shows that mustard vegetables or carnivores contain glucosinolates, which form cancer-protecting compounds called isothiocyanates.

Mustard vegetables include broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.

Leafy vegetables
Leafy vegetables are rich in many vitamins and minerals. Beets, turnips, lettuce, spinach, watercress and leafy vegetables help maintain a strong immune system to fight cancer cells.

Reduce sugar
According to my research published in the journal Cancer Research, sugar can be a cause of cancer. It seems that cancer requires a large amount of sugar to survive, so experts recommend they rely on natural sweeteners to fight cancer and fight cancer cells.

Benefits of cloves
Some carnivorous compounds contain phenols, oleanic acids, dimethyl, betolinics and cardamonins, all of which have been shown to have anti-cancer properties.

Nuts generally have many benefits for the human body, especially the nut or camel eye, which contains selenium, and several scientific studies have shown that the lack of selenium in the body increases the risk of cancer.

Beans and apples daily
Experts recommend eating a quarter cup of beans a day. Fiber is one of the best sources of fiber and helps fiber maintain intestinal transit, which means that cancer-related toxins are eliminated faster when our diet is high in fiber.

Experts also recommend eating an apple a day, which contains nutrients, and studies have shown that it reduces the risk of lung cancer.

More turmeric
Turmeric should be added to many dishes, especially since a study published in the journal Precision Oncology has shown that turmeric causes starvation and reduces cancerous tumors of the prostate.

The effects of curcumin on turmeric are not limited to prostate cancer, but many studies have shown that it reduces the risk of colon cancer, according to Cancer Prevention Research.

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