At the launch of "The Maker of Dreams" … Arwa Gouda reveals that Maxim Khalil needs a psychiatrist


The call to launch the series "The Maker of Dreams" scheduled for Ramadan 2019 was not like the other usual invitations. The organizers of the work felt that the meeting of heroes working journalists would be different from normal.
The series "The Maker of Dreams" is inspired by the novel "Dream Story" of the Saudi writer Hani Al-Naqshbandi and simulates reality and fantasy, truth and dream, suspense and emotion, love and war. This book presents a new material of the genre, both interesting and strange, bringing ideas and stories not yet touched by the Arab drama.
Because the story of the work is new, the launch of the series at the Small City Hotel in the outdoor garden, apart from the usual monotony of the usual press conferences, did not ask direct questions to reporters and at the industry.The meeting is limited to a brief speech by director Mohamed Abdel Aziz, revealed in his speech to "Madam Net", that the Arab public on a date with a full series of 39 ;enthusiasm. The trailer of the series was also shown on a large screen placed at the workplace.
Among the stars of the work, a clear chemistry emerged through the speech of each of them, "Madame Net", agreeing to say that this series will compete vigorously with the rest of the dramas scheduled for the Ramadan Marathon, and all those who are optimistic about his role, whom he considered as new to him and for the first time.
Despite the reluctance of the women workers to develop the series, Maxim Khalil is the "dream maker" named Sami Omran, a scholar and scientist who, thanks to his long experience in neurosurgery, is able to develop a way to influence the dreams of others. Draw and define the dream that he wants when someone was.
A large number of stars were present: Maxim Khalil, Arwa Gouda, Jesse Abdo, Tony Issa, and Mai Selim, who told Ms. Net that she would be an honored guest of the series, as well as her husband. a large selection of stars from the Arab world. .
Since it is difficult to work with many of the difficult structures that affect each character, Arwa Joudeh told Ms. Net that it would be Max who would need a psychiatrist at the end of the job, while Maxim responded by saying " Ms. Net "" Everyone seems to need a psychiatrist at the end of the shoot. "
The film is scheduled to travel to Abu Dhabi in the next two days, then to Egypt, then to Lebanon to complete the rest of the film, produced by Media Revolution 7 and written by Bashar Abbas.

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