Garlic and onion, your weapon against cancer of the intestines


Many people are reluctant to eat onions because of their stench, but they do not realize that they deprive themselves of the opportunity to prevent a serious illness. A recent study from the China Medical University in Shenyang revealed that consumption of "platoon" -cooked vegetables such as onions, garlic and leeks contributed to the prevention of cancer. ;intestine.

In a scientific study conducted by Dr. Zi Li at the University's First Hospital, with 1,600 men and women, scientists found that cancer risk of this type was 79% lower among those who ate more than those who did not eat it.

Researchers have suggested eating at least 45 grams of onions a day, for example, to reduce the risk of serious illness, noting that eating garlic or a section of powder is the most useful form, while warning to boil onions to lose useful useful substances. Previous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of ingredients available in thyme vegetables to prevent breast and prostate cancers.

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