News 24 "Shura": citizens should not be charged for water bill errors and must be a neutral control of the billing system


Shura CouncilThe Shura Council stressed that citizens should not be held responsible for any errors or defects in the water billing system, and that prompt processing of previous bills should be carried out, especially with regard to many bills waiting between subscribers and the water company.

The Council stressed the need for the Ministry of Environment and Water to take the necessary measures to ensure the validity of water bills, requiring – according to the newspaper "Riyadh" – to find a neutral entity to control bills and separate citizens and the company in a professional and fair manner.

According to a report from a committee specializing in the Shura, it would have followed many complaints from participants about the unjustified increase in the amount of their water bills, without convincing reasons in cause, which has harmed many families.

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