MANCHESTER CITY (Reuters) – Manchester City won its sixth title in the English League Cup after beating Chelsea on penalties in a game between the Blues goalie and his coach.
On the field of London's Wembley Stadium, the game ended in a goalless draw, with the two teams dominating the extra playoffs in which the score remained unchanged.
At the end of the second half, Chelsea goalkeeper Keba was injured and Argentine coach Willie Capaiiro replaced him.
When the coach asked the main guard to leave the stadium, the latter refused and insisted on staying. The Italian coach, Mauricio Sari, who was about to leave the stadium to protest the behavior of his guard, was furious.
Kibba continued on the pitch in spite of his coach, played the shots on goal and managed to tackle a single ball, not enough to top his team title after winning the City 4 vs 3 goal.
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