An image of NASA since March reveals the existence of a mysterious temple


The conspiracy theorists would have discovered a strange temple on Mars, after analyzing an image taken by Spacecraft Rover of NASA.

"Writes Scott Waring," on the site UFO observations per dayThat the temple can be seen clearly in a modern image, and explained that the structure contains 5 levels or more, each smaller than the previous level.

Side of the picture
Side of the picture

Image of NASA
Image of NASA

According to the British Mirror website, the structure at the top level looks like a pyramid with the roof of the building and each level has a flat surface that allows a person or something to walk on it.

"I think that the probe will not reach this goal because NASA's real mission is to remove annoying information about space to satisfy it, but it prevents the public from knowing the true nature of the surface. of Mars, "he said.

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