Chocolate on the menu … These foods help you focus!


The individual strives to strengthen his or her concentration skills to accomplish the tasks entrusted to him / her. He constantly seeks to practice intellectual exercises such as chess and crosswords to strengthen his memory and stimulate his brain to increase his concentration. In contrast, the quality of the foods they consume plays a key role in brain cell nutrition. As a result, WebMD offers several foods that stimulate memory and stimulate concentration.

1. caffeine

Caffeine in coffee, chocolate and energy drinks helps concentration for a short time and enhances the functions of brain activity. But overeating makes you nervous.

2. sugar

Sugar is the best source of brain function. Sugar is the glucose in fruit juice, which your body converts when you consume it into energy that activates memory and intellectual abilities.Breakfast

Breakfast nourishes the brain cells that improve the attention. Because whole grains, fiber and fruit are the brain's first stimulant. Specialists advise that breakfast be low in calories so as not to impede concentration.

4. Walnuts and chocolate

Nuts and seeds contain antioxidants of vitamin E. Thus, these vitamins in nuts and dark chocolate increase the concentration of the individual.

5. Avocados and whole grains

A diet rich in whole grains and fruits such as avocados reduces the risk of heart disease and "bad" cholesterol. This promotes blood circulation in the body, which has a positive effect on the work of the brain.

6 – berries

Blue berries help protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease or dementia. It has also improved my learning and concentration.

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