Oscar Best Film for "Green Book" .. Mexican Wins "Best Director"

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وكان مالك يتنافس على هذه الجائزة مع كل من كريستيان بايل وبرادلي كوبر وويليم دافو وفيغو مورتنسن.

وبرز الممثل البالغ من العمر 37 عاما كأفضل مرشح للجائزة في الأسابيع القليلة الماضية بعد فوزه بجائزة غولدن غلوب (الكرة الذهبية) وبجائزة رابطة ممثلي السينما البريطانية.

وينحدر مالك المولود في لوس أنجلوس من أصول مصرية, وقام بدور ميركري المولود لأبوين من الهند هاجرا مع أسرتهما إلى الهند عندما كان في أواخر العقد الثاني من عمره.

وحقق فيلم "بوهيميان رابسودي" نجاحا كبيرا في مختلف أنحاء العالم, حيث حصد أكثر من 854 مليون دولار من مبيعات تذاكر دور السينما.

ويقام في هذه الأثناء حفل توزيع جوائز الأوسكار ال91, على مسرح "دولبي" في لوس أنجلوس.


And "Green Book" American comedy film directed by Peter Varelli and produced "Universal Images".

The film tells a tour of Don Shirley (Maharshala Ali) and his guard Tony Lib (Figo Mortensen), in the great South of America, in the 1960s.

On the other hand, he won the Mexican Alfonso Quarron Oscar has the best director for his film Rome.

Quaron, 57, also won the Oscar for Best Director for a movie "Gravity" (Graphite) in 2014.

Quaron said the film "Rome" Made in Spanish and in the language of indigenous citizens, inspired by his own memories of his establishment with his family in the Cologne district of Rome, Mexico City.

Quaron also wrote the film and produced it, and most of the actors were amateur or little known.

She also won the British actress Olivia Coleman Oscar for best actress for her role in the movie "The Favorites" (The Favorit), a film that belongs to the quality of historical comedy.

This is the first prize Oscar Coleman, 45, whose nomination for the award was his first.

Coleman is one of the best television actresses in Britain.

Coleman also won a prize "The Golden Ball" (Golden Globe) And the British Film Actors Guild Award.

In the film, Coleman plays Queen Anne, a British queen of the 18th century.

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وكان مالك يتنافس على هذه الجائزة مع كل من كريستيان بايل وبرادلي كوبر وويليم دافو وفيغو مورتنسن.

وبرز الممثل البالغ من العمر 37 عاما كأفضل مرشح للجائزة في الأسابيع القليلة الماضية بعد فوزه بجائزة غولدن غلوب (الكرة الذهبية) وبجائزة رابطة ممثلي السينما البريطانية.

وينحدر مالك المولود في لوس أنجلوس من أصول مصرية, وقام بدور ميركري المولود لأبوين من الهند هاجرا مع أسرتهما إلى الهند عندما كان في أواخر العقد الثاني من عمره.

وحقق فيلم "بوهيميان رابسودي" نجاحا كبيرا في مختلف أنحاء العالم, حيث حصد أكثر من 854 مليون دولار من مبيعات تذاكر دور السينما.

ويقام في هذه الأثناء حفل توزيع جوائز الأوسكار ال91, على مسرح "دولبي" في لوس أنجلوس.


An awards ceremony was held The Oscars The 91, on stage "Dolby" In Los Angeles California


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The owner was competing for the price with both Christian Bale AndBradley Cooper andWilliam Duffo andFigo Mortensen.

Aged 37, he has become the best candidate in recent weeks after winning the Golden Globe and the British Film Association.

The owner of the Los Angeles-born son is of Egyptian descent and Merkree, born to Indian parents, immigrated to India with his family in their late twenties.

He made a movie "Rhapsody of Bohemia" Great success worldwide, where hRepel more than $ 854 million in movie ticket sales.

Meanwhile, an awards ceremony is underway The Oscars The 91, on stage "Dolby" In Los Angeles.


And "Green Book", an American comedy film directed by Peter Varelli and Universal Pictures.

The film tells a tour of Don Shirley (Maharshala Ali) and his guard Tony Lib (Figo Mortensen), in the great South of America, in the 1960s.

For his part, Mexican Alfonso Cuarón won the best director, Oscar, for his film Rome.

Quaron, 57, also won the Oscar for Best Director for "Gravity" in 2014.

Quaron said the Spanish language "Rome", a language for indigenous citizens, inspired his own memories of his settlement with his family in Cologne, Rome, Mexico.

Quaron also wrote the film and produced it, and most of the actors were amateur or little known.

British actress Olivia Coleman won the Oscar for best actress for her role in the film "The Favorit", a film that belongs to the quality of historical comedy.

This is the first Oscar awarded to Coleman, 45, whose first nomination was for her.

Coleman is one of the best television actresses in Britain.

Coleman also won the Golden Globe and the British Association Association Award.

In the film, Coleman plays Queen Anne, a British queen of the 18th century.

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