So .. "sister" Qatar is out of the Arab circle!


Even before Prince Bandar bin Sultan said what he had said to the British Independent newspaper in its Arabic version, all truthful and some, there was current and well-known information going back to the early '90s, and earlier When Sheikh Khalifa Al-Thani was removed from his position as emir of Qatar, Hamad bin Khalifa and Hamad bin Jassim were involved in a dangerous game called the sparsely populated emirate of modest size, a country the size of the superpowers potentially able to manipulate the security of this region and beyond to distant countries, including Afghanistan and some other Asian countries. .

It is truly regrettable that these actions and actions have caused the isolation of this brother country from its Arab reality and made it the meeting point between the most important Arab meetings to satisfy Iran and to to please Israel and to satisfy all the countries of this demonic axis,

It was in 1991, when Qatar had decided, by virtue of Hamdeen's decision, to establish declared relations with Israel, convinced that their country, despite its small size and small population, would become a figure. major of the Middle East equation. With the Israeli state, and the fact that this is what happened at that time, has continued to grow and until the Israelis talk about the level achieved, it is now possible to have declared relations with some Gulf countries and also with some Arab countries. And of course, nothing confirms this. It is highly likely that simple claims about Benjamin Netanyahu's government in the run-up to the Israeli Knesset elections, described as crucial, are approaching.

Therefore, according to what has become secret and public, the Israeli experts are informed by "Hamdeen" that, to be a central country of this region and a major player in the Middle East and in some Asian countries, the first to be the main US military base in the Gulf, The Arab world as a whole, which is known, is related to the fact that if the incident occurs, the Americans will not intervene in this case and in these cases, and since it is known that none of their bases in the Middle East, interferes in any internal matter and that does not move 'finger', as it is said, when the famous Muammar Gaddafi in 1969 and around Senussi launched his move towards "mass" was an end to the beginning of the so-called tragic ending Arab Spring.

The other problem that arose was that there had to be effective and influential media that went beyond the influence of the Arabs to make their voices heard at the height of the Nasserist stage. This is what happened at the beginning and at the time when the Qatari- "Al Jazeera" before the emergence of any competing satellite What is more important and more ferocious than the influence of the Media "Goebbelsi" vis-à-vis Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Information Adolf Hitler, at the apogee of the Nazi army, political and of course the media.

In addition to all this, according to the aforementioned Israeli Council, it was necessary to call upon a comprehensive and effective party organization: the option was signed by the Muslim Brotherhood led by the so-called "world organization", which was to dominate Egypt after the victory of their candidate, Dr. Mohamed Morsi. Syria and Jordan, as well as Jordan, at one point, taking control of Turkey and trying to control Afghanistan and where the seat of the Taliban movement is still in Doha, and all that, and some say They are still trying to control, and in coordination with Iran, some Islamic countries in Asia and Africa, as has become the case in Somalia and some Arab countries in North Africa.

Qatar was also expected to step out of the Arab alliance, formed under Saudi leadership at the very beginning of the Houthi coup against Yemeni legitimacy, and join the regional alliance, which understands what some regard as the two great powers of this region, Iran and Turkey. That this Turkish regime is a fraternal system and that it has launched the sending of Turkish troops to Doha under the pretext of its protection, although it is not threatened externally, neither by a neighboring Arab country nor by any other country remote.

In addition to all this, it was necessary to strike inland Egypt as the largest Arab State and that Sinai become an advanced armed base for the Muslim Brotherhood in the land of Canana, and Is what really happened. From being enlisted in Hamas as a Palestinian Muslim Brother and having pushed him to execute the 2007 coup d'état against the ANP, Fatah and the PLO, this movement of the Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by the agreement reached in Mecca, concluded under the patronage of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, and in the same year.

Before his departure from power, Hamad bin Khalifa had returned to the Gaza Strip under the control of Hamas, the brotherhood, visit of a head of state, which was accompanied new aggression among Palestinians and restrictions imposed on the Palestinian National Authority and the President. Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) in particular, although he was one of the Arab inventors in setting up institutions of the State of Qatar at an early stage and at a difficult level and as a whole, including financial aspects.

It should be mentioned here that Qatar is a dear sister and no one can deny that her people are very good and that they are an honest Arab people. They did not stop at these borders. Their intervention in Syria was negative and in the interest of the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the real and real opposition against the regime of Bashar al-Assad, but also to the benefit of the terrorist Front of Nasser, then recently to the benefit of the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Quds Force led by Qasim Soleimani. Open the doors of the country to organize the "Muslim Brotherhood" and to the brotherly groups.

Thus, in spite of all this, the place of the State of Qatar, which will certainly get rid of these deviations and the Qatar of the brotherly people, will remain in the hearts of all Arabs and from the ocean to the Gulf, in the first place the Saudi Arabia, elder brother who has never hesitated, This is one of the most difficult steps to support and support his Qatari brothers who are related to them and their people, in addition to relations of relationships and relationships, links of Arabism and good neighborly ties and especially links of the great Islamic religion. Arabic mark The intersection of the most important Arab meetings to appease Iran and Israel and appease satisfy all the countries of this devilish axis, which developed "Hamdan" in which

Citing "the Middle East"

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