Kuwait Holding: 2.4 Trillion Feet of Reserve Gas in the North Sinai Marine Field


The Egyptian and Kuwaiti holding company announced the results of the technical surveys of the seismic survey of the excellence of the field located north of the Sinai Sea: the gas reserves in the field reached 2.4 trillion feet.

The company explained in its statement to the Egyptian Stock Exchange that its subsidiary NSCO had contracted with Schlumberger, a specialist in the analysis and interpretation of the results of the seismic survey, to analyze and analyze Interpret the results of the seismic survey of the excellence of the Sinai field in the North Sea. Dry, it is estimated that the average gas size is 821 billion cubic feet of gas, while for the PRE-MESSINIAN class, which contains gas and condensates, the average gas size of Its origin is estimated at 1531 billion cubic feet of gas and 112 million barrels of condensate.

She added that one of the specialized international experts had undertaken a thorough study to evaluate the economic values ​​of these results and prepare the required development plan.

NSCO Investments Limited, a subsidiary of International Financial Investments Company, owned by the Egyptian-Kuwaiti holding company (99%), owns the concession for the North Sinai gas field.

The company completed a three-dimensional seismic survey of the concession in March 2017, carried out by PGS International, covering an area of ​​560 square kilometers and comprising deep geological layers and structures close to the surface. NSCO has a contract with WESYTERNGECO, a subsidiary of Schlumberger. And specialized in the transmission and interpretation of seismic survey results.

The survey and analysis of the results of the seismic survey, which ended in the first quarter of 2018, resulted in the identification of several geological layers at different depths containing potential reserves of natural gas and condensates.

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