Are soy proteins always good for your health?


She said
Food Health Demand for soy products is "milk and hamburgers
Tofu ", has doubled and some people especially want to lose weight instead
For products of animal origin because they contain protein and at the same time a low fat content.

In addition to vegetarians
Also those who eat them instead of animal products, they meet their desire to stay out of the way
Eat red meat and dairy products while giving them proteins that
They also need people with lactose allergies for soy milk.

Despite the advantages
Many soy products, but nutritionists advise not to eat too much
And the need to consult a nutritionist to know the proper amount to treat.

According to nutritionist
"Soy products are suitable for everyone except the sick
From the laziness of the thyroid gland and from those who are disoriented, "she says. Everyone should
By consulting the specialist to examine it and know how much the tolerance of proteins
Soy ".

She continued her conversation
For "Arab":" Despite the many benefits of soy, only this
Side effects, the most important of which are:

Mineral absorption

There is soy
Antioxidant compounds called phytates, which in turn reduce the body's absorption capacity
Some minerals, especially when they are consumed in large quantities and in the long run.

Thyroid lazy

Contains soy protein
On compounds called isoflavones, have an inhibitory role for thyroid function in people who have
Suffer from thyroid laziness and advise them to avoid consuming soy products.

A nutritionist has concluded
"Everyone can eat soy," she says
I've talked and infected the pixels of the thyroid and are disoriented, but I have
Physical person moderates the consumption of soy products, especially those who are not accustomed to
Previously discussed, in order to avoid the occurrence of food allergies, there is also no specific amount that we recommend
Consumption, we therefore recommend that the soy protein be included in the menu of the day
Moderately and gradually. "

In the same context, it was published
The "Bold Sky" report site highlighted some of the benefits of soy protein, namely:

Muscle building

Availability of bean protein
Soybeans You have many amino acids in the BCAA series that your body needs: "Lysine,
Isolucin and Valen. "

Many have been revealed
Research shows that although BCAAs help build muscle, soy protein is not as effective as effective sources
However, other proteins such as whey also consume dairy products.
Soy protein has been shown to be more effective.


According to the studies carried out
"Bald Sky" diets are high in protein
But as far as soy protein is concerned, it seems that the result is mixed.

According to other studies,
Soy protein causes weight loss as effectively as food sources containing
Animal protein.

A study was conducted
Give 20 obese men a diet rich in soy protein as well as a diet
Rich in animal protein.

This research led to
The discovery that diets rich in soy protein were as effective as the system
Foods rich in meat-based proteins help to lose weight.

Heart health

It has been discovered that
Soy protein is beneficial for heart health, and various studies have found that soy helps reduce
Levels of bad cholesterol and high levels of good cholesterol.

Another study found that
Replacing animal protein with about 25 grams of soy protein resulted in low concentration
Bad total cholesterol and triglycerides, a type of fat
In our blood.

Reduce injuries

Contains products made from beans
Soy on isoflavones, which is similar to estrogen, this makes people
I think this can lead to different types of hormone-sensitive cancers.

On the other hand, the Association explained
American cancer is that although soy products contain such isoflavones
Estrogen, it has anti-estrogen properties.

Some studies reveal that
People who consume soy products are less likely to develop breast cancer and
The fiber that they contain can help fight different types of cancers, but none
It should be noted that the studies speak of the relationship between soy products and
The cancer results are mixed.

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