The stones can be composed of 9 members of the body


Including prostate, veins and tonsils, as well as kidneys and gall bladder

Riyadh: Hassan Mohamed Sondakji

The kidneys or gallstones are not the only body members in which the stones can be formed: there are even seven other kidneys, some of which may or may not result in satisfactory consequences as a result.

These include, besides the kidneys and gallbladder, tonsillitis, nose, salivary glands, bladder, pancreas, prostate and veins. Unlike accumulations of calcium as a layer in various organs and places in the body, or "calcification", gravel is a separate mass of surrounding tissue from the organ in which it is formed.

College, bladder and prostate

Kidney stones: are solid blocks of deposits of a number of minerals and acid salts in the kidneys. Its size is initially small and gradually increases with the conditions that led to it. The mechanism of the kidney stone depends on the "imbalance of the components of the urine", which leads to the low melting of certain materials capable of forming crystals, such as calcium, uric acid and l & # 39; Oxalate (oxalate), as well as the ease of adhesion of these crystals. Each other.

They are medically divided into 4 main types:

– The first type, the most famous and the most widespread, the calcium pebble. It contains calcium oxalate crystals with little calcium phosphate crystals. One of the most important factors in the formation of this type of kidney stones is the high proportion of "Oxalite" substance in the body. Oxalite comes from certain types of rich plant products, as well as from liver production.

The second type of kidney stone is Staphorn stone, which results from the recurrence of microbial infections in the urinary system. This quality is characterized by the formation of a fast time and also increases in size to form coral reefs.

The third type is the uric acid pebble, which plays both the dryness of the body and the increase in the amount of certain types of protein consumed in food, an important role in their formation.

– Type IV cystine stone (Cystine Stone), resulting from genetic disorders, increases the proportion of systine in the urine.

2 – Bladder stones:

Difference of kidney stones in terms of composition and mechanisms of evolution and the reasons for this. Bladder stones are often formed when the bladder is not completely empty during urination. The risks of crystal formation in urinary bladder urine are therefore high and can accumulate in some cases, which can occur in case of enlarged prostate or bladder nerves in case of stroke, spinal cord injury or diabetes. Or Parkinson's disease. Microbial infections in the bladder also increase the chances of pebble formation.

The passage of small stones to the kidneys through the ureter, and access to the bladder and not to the exit of these can cause a growth in the size of these small stones with the time and the appropriate conditions for it. Unlike kidney stones, bladder stones can form in children, often due to drought, microbial infections, urinary tract abnormalities or a low protein level.

3- Prostatic stones:

Contrary to what some might think, prostatic calculi are common among men over the age of forty, though this is not felt. Their size varies from one to four millimeters, their color is brownish, oval and fragile, and their size is several tens without any obvious symptoms. It should be noted that prostate stones are the only ones to appear in their tissues and differ from urinary stones that can be attached to the part of the urethra that enters the center of the prostate gland.

There are several scientific explanations for the causes of the formation of these small stones in the structures of the prostate, in particular the fact that the thick secretions of the prostate, containing substances containing starchy bodies, may not be able to leave the vesicles of the prostate. , because of inflammation or enlargement of the prostate (prostatic hypertrophy), and can accumulate calcium And with time become stones. Including that the occurrence of microbial inflammation in the prostate can cause parenchymal secretions, likely to become a pebble. The prostate may also consist of material remaining in the vascular system during ejaculation. The enlargement of the prostate or the inflammation of the prostate is therefore an important factor in the likelihood of bone formation. These calculations can be confirmed by X-ray or ultrasound. And often, do not cause any symptoms unless the size or accompanying the presence of difficulties in the treatment of microbial inflammation of the prostate.

4. Gall bladder and pancreas

Gallbladder: The gall bladder is a small pear-shaped limb located on the right side of the abdomen and located directly under the liver. The gallbladder stores a digestive tract, called bile, which secretes it into the small intestine through a channel that can go up to twelve. Gallstones are solid deposits of one of the components of the gall bladder. The size of these stones varies from the size of a small grain of sand to the size of a table tennis ball and may consist of one or more stones.

There are two main types of gallstones:

– the first type 'cholestrol cholestrol', which is the most common yellow color. It consists mainly of accumulations of insoluble cholesterol in the fluid of the gallbladder, as well as in other elements. In detail, the gallbladder contains large amounts of cholesterol produced by the liver, while the gallbladder contains sufficient amounts of chemicals capable of dissolving the amount of cholesterol in the gall bladder that must be released with the juice of the liver. gallbladder. When the liver excretes cholesterol greater than the dissolving capacity of chemicals in the gallbladder, masses of excess cholesterol form in the form of crystals, which eventually become gallstones.

The other type of gallbladder stones is black or dark brown. It is formed when the proportion of bilirubin (bilirubin) in the bile of the gallbladder. Bilirubin is a chemical that triggers when the red blood cells are broken. There are also cases of illness accompanied by an increase in the production of large amounts of bilirubin by the liver, such as cirrhosis of the liver and infection of the bile ducts and certain blood disorders. Therefore, the increase of bilirubin in the gallbladder produces gallstones.

In addition, the fact of not emptying the bitterness of their contents in the gallbladder contributes to the higher probability of gallstone formation, since the concentration of substances contained in the juice is higher.

5- Pancreas stones:

The pancreas is a long, flat gland located behind the stomach, at the top of the abdomen, which extracts pancreatic juices containing enzymes that aid digestion and hormones that regulate the way the body processes glucose. There is a pancreatic duct through which the pancreas contracts up to the intestines. This channel in normal cases easy to sink. But in cases of chronic inflammation of the pancreas, this channel becomes sinuous and narrow in some areas, which is not easy to exploit. And so does not facilitate the passage of pancreatic juice, and the conditions for the formation of stones in these, which leads to more difficulties in the output of pancreatic juice, and the emergence of implications for this one. Congenital abnormalities in the form and way of the pancreas may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Although pancreatic pebbles are rare, modern medical statistics indicate an increase in infections. The incidence of chronic pancreatitis is 22 to 60%. The pancreas is composed mainly of calcium. Sometimes the pancreas may be attached to the pancreas, which comes out of the gall bladder, through the gallbladder that meets pancreatic cancer.

6 – tonsils and salivary glands

Amygdalolites: solid white or yellow formations on or on the tonsils. It is common that those with tonsil stones do not realize that they have. It is not always easy to see the tonsils.

Their size can range from the size of a grain of rice to the size of a big grape. Bulk stones rarely cause health complications, but they can sometimes push the tonsils to swell and often have a bad odor.

Tonsil Crypts There are also different types of tonsils around the tonsils, such as dead cells, mucus, saliva and food. These substances can be attached to these pockets and accumulate there, as well as bacteria and fungi. On this accumulation will cause an unpleasant odor.

Over time, these residues harden and turn into oozing pebbles, mainly due to a lack of interest in dental health, dilated tonsils, chronic sinus infections or chronic tonsillitis. Medical sources indicate that between 5 and 8% of people have different degrees of tonsils.

7 – The salivary glands:

On both sides of the mouth are 3 pairs of salivary glands, which are prone to stones in one. Sialolithiasis can cause pain or discomfort when these glands are forced to produce saliva, especially when you eat, and is therefore called meal time syndrome.

They can result from microbial and non-microbial infections in one of the salivary glands, resulting in dehydration or a weak flow of saliva at the exit of the salivary glands, or for some unknown reason. The majority of these calculations consist of submaxillary gland and less parathyroid or sublingual gland. And affects between 1 and 2% of people.

8 – rare stones in the nose and veins

Rhinoplasty: The nose is a member of the body that is subject to rare stones. The rhinolith can form inside the nasal cavity, due to the penetration of something strange in the tissues of the nose, which, over time, causes the accumulation of calcium and magnesium and the formation of pebbles. The size of these stones can go up to one centimeter. This can cause nasal bleeding, nasal pain, shortness of breath through the nose and possibly sinusitis.

9. Veins:

The veins of the body are blood vessels that return blood to the heart, which promotes the formation of stones, especially veins in the pelvic area. Phlebolith is the accumulation of calcium on the blood clot formed intravenously. According to some medical statistics, they are present in about 40% of the inhabitants of the pelvic area. However, do not cause them any symptoms. And the importance of observing his presence from the medical point of view during abdominal radiography and try to follow the passage of a kidney stone, so as not to suspect them .

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