The end of detainee security investigations. Justice and Transparency in the Kingdom of Humanity


Citizen – Riyadh

The Attorney General's office announced Friday that the investigation into the persons accused of security breach of the Kingdom would be completed and that they would be referred to the competent court for it to take the necessary measures in accordance with the law.

This confirms the desire of the competent authorities of the Kingdom to announce any development regarding the cases of security detainees, as long as the investigation and trial procedures are advanced.

Justice and transparency:

The prosecutor's statement demonstrates Saudi Arabia's willingness to be transparent in the trial and prosecution of detainees.

Observers confirm that no state agrees to maintain contact with individuals with hostile organizations or organizations. The evidence and confessions made by the accused and presented by the public prosecutor's office indicate that the offense committed undermines the supreme interests of the Kingdom. .

Rights guaranteed by the law:

Like any other country in the world that accepts no intervention in its internal affairs and in the judicial system, the Saudi judicial system alone can determine whether the charges against the accused are true and only the one who can determine the sentences that are inflicted on them if the charges against them are proven.

Contentious proceedings before the Kingdom of Humanity oblige the competent authorities to ensure to the accused all the rights set out in the criminal proceedings, and no one may exceed the powers conferred upon him by the law.

There is no difference between men and women:

In accordance with the law and judicial procedures, the system does not distinguish between men and women, the two men are responsible to the judicial bodies for the prosecution they are responsible for.

At the same time, the system gives women confidentiality in the treatment of women during the suspension period.

The prosecution explained in a statement today in a statement that the defendants for the violation of the security of the Kingdom were over and that they were sending them back to the competent court. After following a coordinated activity and organized action aimed at undermining the security and stability of the Kingdom as well as its social and national integrity, the Public Ministry wishes to point out that it has completed its investigations and the establishment of lists of public invitations against the accused and is currently returning them to the competent court.

The prosecution claims that all those arrested in this case enjoy all the rights guaranteed by the regime.

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