"The Arab Union for Education" defines a comprehensive Arab vision to achieve leadership "


The Arab Union for Education (AEI) develops a global Arab vision of leadership

To achieve a global vision to provide educational and pedagogical leadership in line with international standards for a conscious Arab generation and to agree on an exchange of experiences between educational institutions in EU Member States and institutions similar international organizations; Mohammed Rabea Nasser held his first meeting in Kuwait in the presence of Ambassador Mohamed Al Rabee, Secretary General of the Economic Unity Council and fifteen members representing the member countries of the Union: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Sudan , Lebanon, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar.

He said d. President of the Union, said that this first meeting of the Union had discussed this vision and the role played by Al Waleed in its objective: develop and coordinate the areas of activity of its members, strengthen their links and contribute to the integration of Arab countries into the education system, as well as to the improvement of the results of special education. Develop and solve problems, as well as support joint investments in the education and expansion of Member States and represent special Arab education in international forums and events at the level of specialized regional and international organizations .

It has also added to the contribution of private education to development, highlighting its role in the national economy of member countries and contributing to the establishment of comprehensive scientific leadership consistent with standards professional accreditation of private educational institutions, the creation of academies and the creation of an Arab bloc that implements unified educational systems helping to solve the problems of the education system. education in our region. The Arabic language provides an education that takes into account the ethical values, customs and cultural traditions of the Arab world and that is able to engage and interact with the future directions of digital education, based on the norms international professionals in the digital economy, and to reduce the differences between education between Arab countries and even between schools in each country benefiting from successful experiences in the European Union and Singapore, Malaysia and in Korea.

The participants agreed on the Union's vision of achieving comprehensive educational leadership in line with international standards for a conscious Arab generation, as well as exchanging experiences between educational institutions in EU Member States and similar international institutions.

Latest News: News "The Arab Union for Education" Defines a Global Arab Vision of Leadership "Source: Akhbar Al Youm

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