Kuwaiti director Mai al-Eidan attacks Egyptian director Khaled Youssef



The Kuwaiti media attacked Mai El-Aidan, Egyptian director Khaled Youssef, and called the leaked pornographic videos a "moral scandal".

Al-Aidan said in his TV show that all the videos had been circulated as a scandal with a director and a well-known deputy, that it's about a presenter, one of a kind artist or media, noting that every time she entered YouTube, she would regain the scandal of Khaled Youssef with Falaan. The only man in Egypt, and everyone has morals. "

Al-Eidan criticized director Khaled Youssef, saying: "He has lifted the pen for a long time, and any discussion about it is a waste of time, unfortunately, it is calculated on art." "The girls involved in Khaled Youssef's videos cheated on them because they said: I'm a filmmaker, I'm Talaat Ghada Abdel Razek and Samia Al Khashab, but in the end, it's a man with more than one slave, they are replaced from time to time, "she said.

She pointed out that Yusuf, a big bubble, had to explode and explode, but that the victims were girls, all the more so as she had learned that the father of the young artist Mona Farouk had died.

Mai El Idan published her photo with the Egyptian artists accused in the case of Khaled Youssef, as a kind of advertisement for her new episode, but some people thought that she was also a victim of the famous director.

Pornographic videos have become widespread in Egypt, where Mona Farouq and Shaima El Haj, dancer Camelia, businesswoman Mona Ghadhban and the latest journalist Rana Huwaidi have been involved, while Khaled Youssef has not been involved. not yet been formally charged.

Source: YouTube + Instagram

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