New Saudi attack on Iran


Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir expressed regret for the continuation of what he described as the "huthi state coup in Yemen", reiterating his support for the UN's efforts to reach a political solution and the agreement of Sweden.

In his address to the OIC Ministerial Conference held in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, Al-Jubeir stressed the firmness of the Arab Group in favor of the right of Palestinians to establish their independent state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as capital. Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi minister urged the Arab countries to step up their cooperation to eliminate terrorism and dry up its sources, adding that Iran is continuing its approach to intervene in state affairs and support terrorism.

He emphasized the Kingdom's position with all sincere efforts to seek political solutions preserving the unity of Arab countries and their institutions, both in Libya and in Syria, and condemned the Kingdom to condemn Muslims Rohingya in Burma and called on the international community to put an end to these practices and give to the Muslim minority Myanmar has exercised its rights without distinction or racial classification.

The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in its efforts to cooperate with the international community, has continued its material and moral efforts to combat the scourge of terrorism and its financing and to fight extremist ideology. Al-Jubeir said that the Kingdom was one of the founding countries of the International Coalition Against Terrorist Organizations in 2014, in addition to its contribution to the establishment of the International Center for Combating the Financing of Terrorism in cooperation with the United States and the Gulf States, based in the capital Riyadh, in 2018.

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