Now, the General Assembly of the Arab Water Council will elect "Muftin" on March 16


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The meetings of the General Assembly of the Arab Water Council will be held in Cairo on March 16, with the participation of representatives from 25 Arab countries, to discuss the state of water in the region. Arab world and the risks of climate change in the Arab region.

The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Mr. Mohamed Abdel Aati, Arab Ministers and more than 400 members of the Council, representatives of Arab governments, ambassadors, representatives of diplomatic missions in Cairo, representatives of regional and international organizations and representatives of the community. Civil society organizations and public figures.

Dr. Mahmoud Abu Zeid, Chairman of the Arab Water Council and former Minister of Irrigation, said that at the General Assembly, the elections of the Board of "Governors" would stand for the 2019-2021, which includes 45 seats, of which 20 will be elected by free vote. Direct, and 22 seats to be appointed, appointed by their governments and the official authorities of the Arab States.

The meeting will discuss and discuss a number of main themes and sub-themes of the Arab Water Council's plan of action in line with the priorities and recommendations adopted by the Fourth Arab Water Forum held in Cairo last November and the preparation of the fifth Arab Water Forum, which represents a regional platform for the exchange of visions and experiences in the framework of the achievement of the security objectives of the water and sustainable development in the Arab region.

The President of the Arab Water Council said that the decisions taken at the previous General Assembly would be reviewed, including strengthening cooperation and finding durable solutions for sharing water resources, as well as developing Arab capacities in the field of water, encouraging dialogue, exchanging experiences and implementing specialized training programs. Water, Skills and Negotiation Mechanisms "and the creation of an Arab Knowledge Exchange Network among Arab riparian countries in shared river basins, the creation of the think tank think tank for conflict resolution and promotion of cooperation in the management of shared water resources among Arab countries.

The members of the Board of Governors will participate in the development of the Council's strategies and work plan for the next three years 2019-2021 through three working groups, namely the Working Group on Climate Change. activation of the role of members, revitalization of the workforce and securing sustainable funding for Council activities and programs, preparation and implementation of substantive programs and activities of the Council and the working group tasked to prepare forums and conferences.

For his part, Mr. Hussein Al-Atifi, Secretary General of the Arab Water Council, former Minister of Irrigation, said that the Board of Governors is the supreme organ of the Arab Council of water and that it is responsible for defining the detailed policies of the Council and making organizational and executive decisions to ensure the proper functioning of the latter. Monitors the work of other Council bodies and its members vote every three years.

Three important technical sessions will be organized during the General Assembly: the first on the indicators of the state of water in the Arab region and its relations with sustainable development, the second on the 39. Use of modern technologies and remote sensing techniques for water resources management for sustainable agriculture In cooperation with the Arab Water Council and the World Bank, the third report will focus on: main results of the International Hydrological Program for Groundwater and Arid Areas, in cooperation with UNESCO and the latest of the Arab Water Council program. Regional Mail to expand the use of unconventional water to address water scarcity and increase needs due to population growth.

Al-Atafi said that it would act from the thirteenth meeting of the initiative on the link between climate change and its relationship with sustainable development and food and water security and social fragility in Arab countries, highlighting the signing of agreements in this regard.

Source: the Egyptian today

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