Full Details: The Night of "The Escape" of the 2019 Ramadan Theater Marathon. The withdrawal of Amr Youssef and Nelly Karim Wesra


The atmosphere of mystery dominated the fate of the Egyptian drama during the 2019 Ramadan marathon, after revealing the sudden interruption of the shooting of the star series Amr Youssef and Nelly Karim Wesra, for reasons described as "technical", then that several sources have confirmed this "financial crisis". And this is the reason that stopped the shooting of several other works supposed to be exhibited outside the Ramadan season, including the series "family constraint".

The news confirmed so far is to postpone the shooting and show of "Al-Menu 36" due to time constraints, heavy work and the need for equipment and preparation is not available, although Amr has already begun to turn, and strives to achieve the highest possible shooting rate during the month of Ramadan. By Raymond Makar and Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, by Nabil Abdel Hamid and Mahmoud Haggag, directed by Mohamed Salama.

At the same time, sources from the shooting of the series Nelly Karim and the artist Assir Yassin "Nusabeen" were stopped abruptly 48 hours after the start. The team discovered that the series would need special equipment for decoration and outdoor filming locations, and that it could not be completed before the marathon. Ramadan dramatic, and it is remarkable that the producer has not informed the stars of the soap opera until now the official release of the series of the 2019 Ramadan dramatic marathon.

Yousra announced that she would not take part in the drama of Ramadan 2019, but the Al-Adl group suddenly announced the start of the shooting of the series "Beit Al-Ailah" featuring Yousra for the show of the season, but sources have revealed that the project had almost totally intended to cancel the shoot, for lack of time.

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