From the band to the coalition


Our Arab nation lives in difficult conditions, due to the weakness, fragmentation and division between the Arab States and at the internal level of each country, a situation that is accompanied by chaos and unrest. the impossibility of democratizing the entire Arab world. In addition to the regional and international division into axes, the alignment of Arab countries among themselves and the enlargement of the resulting circle of targets, as well as the acceleration of the expansion of regional and international projects. their wealth, security, identity and culture and the exacerbation of armed conflict and civil wars between the destruction of infrastructure and the breakdown of community unity on ethnic and sectarian grounds. serve as the enemies of the nation and give them the excuse to intervene in our country and to reoccupy it.

At the same time, the Arab, Islamic, nationalist and leftist political currents were divided and their efforts delayed, which delayed their ambition to advance the worsening situation of the Ummah, all the more so. that the situation in which we live today requires the efforts of all political, cultural and social currents, united and oriented towards agreed uniform objectives. Especially with regard to the confrontation with the Zionist project and the restoration of Palestine and Jerusalem and the return of the refugees.

It is imperative that Arab intellectuals, academics, researchers and decision-makers fulfill their duty to their nation and make a serious effort to chart a road map of practical steps that will take the country out of this situation by introducing creative ideas focused on professionalism, academia and high responsibility. Far from narrow ideological and partisan views, this map includes all the active components and forces in the Arab political arena.

The situation of disintegration and division must move away from it in parallel ways: the first track is linked to Arab-Arab relations, and Arab disputes will be settled according to the principles of mutual respect and fraternal dialogue aimed at restoring the rules of the Arab world. joint Arab action to face the challenges and dangers facing the nation, and cultural and cultural issues.

National reconciliation in Arab countries requires strong political will from all actors,


The second track is related to the internal Arab situation, between the political forces of Islamist, nationalist, leftist and national actors, which leads to the reunification of the sons of a country and to the conclusion of 39, an agreement based on the common denominator dialogue that combines these currents within a national group. Ensuring community safety and peace by creating a strong national wall that addresses the challenges and brings countries back to democratic transformation and economic and cultural progress.

National reconciliation in the Arab countries requires the strong political will of all actors, as well as the open mind that accepts the other of the people of the country, despite its intellectual or political differences or in any other field, because And the concern of political forces that live together allows foreign projects and tools in our country to dominate the capabilities of nations and defeat peoples, to alter their capabilities and disrupt their march towards development and reform and development to all political, economic and social levels, and the absence of the role of power The Arab people and the institutions of civil society associate Arab-Arab relations with the disparities and interests of the ruling authorities, which aggravates the situation. State of division and dispersion of the nation.

The political chaos that has fallen on many Arab countries has diverted influential and influential Arab countries from their effective regional role, thus allowing the advancement of hostile projects at the expense of the national project.

Therefore, we must more than ever turn the page of disagreement and division, advance towards the realization of the civilized project of our nation and stop wasting it in energies, abilities and lives. I hope this seminar will be an introduction to new ways that will help the nation to rise up to take the place that it deserves. Between nations and peoples.

Thanks for the "Coalition Group" follow-up on the "Rehan News" site, and we want to follow our channels through official social media to keep track of events and developments.

Source: The new Arabic

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