"We publish the text of the speech of the Secretary General of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior at the 36th session"


We publish the text of the speech of the Secretary General of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior at the 36th session "- Source: News of incidents – The tragedy of the country Date: Sunday, March 3

I started this morning First The meetings of the Council of Ministers of the Interior of the Arab Countries The thirty-sixth session of the Council of Ministers of the Interior of the Arab countries was held in Tunis in the presence of the Ministers of the Arab States. Arab States and High Security Delegations, as well as representatives of the League of Arab States, the Arab Maghreb Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council International Criminal Police Organization, Interpol, Civil Defense Organization and Civilian, United Nations Office on Terrorism, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Counterterrorism Project for the Middle East and North Africa, Naif Arab Security Sciences University and the Federation Arab sports.

The opening session began with a speech by the Secretary General of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers, Mohammed bin Ali Koman.

He said Secretary General of the Council: "It is an honor for us, as we meet again in security security cooperation in Tunisia, to give a press conference in the field of security, to His Excellency President Mohamed El Béji Kayed Sebsi, to the most sincere feeling of affection and respect, express our gratitude for his unwavering support for the common Arab action and for the kind attention he gives to the Council. Arab Ministers of the Interior and its secretariat. "

He added: "I am also very happy to thank His Excellency Mr. Yousef Al-Shahed, Prime Minister, for the good care provided to this Council and for the constructive support of the Tunisian Government to the Secretariat and its various activities, as well as to the Secretariat. to all your assistants for having provided all the success of this great Arab security meeting and the comfort and tranquility of the participating delegations. "

I also have the honor to extend my sincere thanks to the Honorary Chairman of the Council of His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud Bin Nayef bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and to all his brothers and sisters. Arab ministers for their constant support to the Secretariat and to the Arab security common work.

I am pleased to welcome other representatives of Arab and international organizations whose presence among us today testifies to the Council's awareness of addressing the security challenges of national borders and seeking to take them up in cooperation with regional and international partners.

"The Council is meeting today and the Arab world is still facing various challenges that are clouding the security and stability climate and hindering development and prosperity," he said. A challenge that contributes to the spread of some regional powers that do not miss any opportunity to expose the Arab nation to risk and to provoke sectarian conflict and fragmentation among the sons of a nation. "

In this critical situation, your esteemed Council presents itself as an insurmountable fortress, broken by the greed of organized criminal gangs and a radiant beacon that lights the way for Arab security cooperation.

A brief overview of past achievements against terrorism in this Council is enough to achieve its success. Consider, for example, what has been done to address what may be considered the most serious security challenge facing our states today: the return of terrorist fighters from conflict zones and the hotbeds of tension have followed the terrible defeats of terrorist organizations through the efforts of the Arab States and their cooperation with the international community. The challenges associated with this return are not limited to the infiltration of these fighters, but also to the means of treating the arrested persons and methods of rehabilitation.

In recent years, the Council has made every effort to combat this phenomenon through proactive measures, including the creation of a database on terrorist fighters fed by the Member States so that it is possible to prevent the phenomenon. they contain substantial data about these fighters. I take this opportunity to call upon the Arab States to continue to feed this base with all available information.

Following the adoption by the Council of a mechanism to prevent combatants from settling in the conflict zones and hotbeds of tension that the Arab States have used to reduce this transition, a mechanism is under way to treat people returning to conflict zones and hotbeds.

The return of the terrorist fighters has been the main theme of several meetings within the Secretariat, such as the meeting of the Special Commission on Emerging Crimes and the Annual Conference of Counter-Terrorism Officials. Securing borders to prevent the infiltration of combatants and the means of exchanging information on returnees were the subject of several workshops organized by the Secretariat last year. In cooperation with the Counterterrorism Project in the Middle East and North Africa, the European Police Service, the European Border Guards and the Coast Guard. We are now working with these partners to organize a major conference on the phenomenon of returning fighters, bringing together experts from the Arab world and the European Union, in accordance with the Council's guidelines for strengthening cooperation with regional counterparts. and international.

The Working Group on Terrorist Threats and Immediate Analysis of Terrorist Acts, which is now under consideration, will strengthen Arab cooperation in the area of ​​counter-terrorism, which will serve as a network for the exchange of information. real-time information and will provide a forum where all data related to terrorist operations, the experiences of Arab countries in this area.

The Cybersecurity Unit, which will be set up within the Arab Bureau to Combat Extremism and Terrorism, will be an important factor in the fight against terrorism, as it will be a priority to monitor the rhetoric of terrorism. Internet extremism and use this network for misappropriation, continuity and funding.

Despite the gravity of terrorism and the magnitude of its tragedies, the Council has always been keen to deal with it – like all forms of crime – with respect for human rights and dignity, which has always made respect for human rights a topic of great concern and led to the organization of an annual conference. For human rights officials from the Arab Interior Ministries and a periodic conference bringing these officials to national human rights committees of Arab countries. In this context, a draft Arab strategy for the promotion of human rights in security work is being finalized. This will be the result of the valuable efforts already made by the Council and a framework describing the prospects for Arab cooperation in this area.

In conclusion, I would like to thank HE Mr. Noureddine Badawi, President of the last session of the Council, for his generous sponsorship of the General Secretariat and for the diligent follow-up of its work. He is confident that the presidency of His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Saud Bin Nayef Bin Abdul Azay Abdul Aziz Al- Will give a strong impetus to the common security action in the Arab world. I am also pleased to welcome His Excellency the ministers who are taking part in the work of the Council for the first time. I wish them every success in fulfilling their noble tasks and hope that we will receive their full support and support.

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