UAE News Today: Arab Media Forum: Preparing Youth for Professional Responsibility


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The Arab League will hold Saturday the 8th Arab Youth Media Forum under the high patronage of the Secretary General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and with the participation of a number of Arab ministers of the Arab League. information, intellectuals and editors of Arab newspapers as well as a group of prominent figures and artists in the media. Youth participation and dialogue with them in various media, as well as many media students in different Arab universities.

The Arab Media Youth Forum is an Arab media summit for young people, aimed at building the capacity of young media professionals and seeking to develop their capacities and skills, involving hundreds of young journalists.

The opening session and the continuation of the two-day sessions of the forum will be held Saturday in the Great Hall of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in Cairo and the training workshops will be held the next day in the hall. Andalusian.

The forum will deal with a number of media issues currently on the Arab and international scenes, as well as seminars to train young media professionals to train them to take responsibility for the profession in the future.

In this context, Madi Al-Khamis, Secretary General of the Arab Media Forum, said in a statement issued by the forum: "The convening of the Youth Information Forum periodically aims to contain the young element, which helps to create a renewed Arab media environment that can accept all the currents and deal with divisions, in an ethical framework and a code of honor that overshadow the Arab media and do not limit its ability to. expression and development. "

In this statement, he expressed his thanks to the League of Arab States and its Secretary General for organizing the Arab Youth Media Forum on a regular basis, stressing "the status of the Arab League as a reference institution". representing our Arab nation and its active and positive role in solving the problems facing the Arab countries. "He expressed" great appreciation for the strategic partnership of the Arab Media Forum and the media and communication sector of the Arab world. League of Arab States, which is making great efforts to strengthen Arab media cooperation and contribute to the development of Arab media as a whole ".

He added that the forum was looking through its sessions to cope with the difficulties of adapting students to the job market and called on journalists and experts to change the perception of students about the media sector. Vital and important role that plays a major role in the development of society ", emphasizing that the Forum seeks to qualify students in this area to obtain tools for the job market.

He stressed that the forum still embraces the young element of Arab society, pointing out that young people of all categories and specialties are revolutionizing real change in all societies where they are. They make a real difference in their country and the great creativity that always comes to them because of their open mind and overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and spirit of adventure, whether they are young or old. young people, developed countries still play an important role in society, giving them a leading role in society, by entrusting them to ministries and even to leading countries.

It should be noted that the Arab Media Forum is an observer member of the Standing Committee on Information of the League of Arab States and the Council of Arab Ministers of Information and seeks to develop a sophisticated vision of Arab media. .

The forum will discuss issues related to the Arab and international arenas. Hundreds of young journalists are participating in this two-day forum.

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