News 24 Governor of the Communications Authority: frequency auction (3.5 GHz) within days … in anticipation of the deployment of fifth generation technologies in the Kingdom


ArchiveAbdul Aziz Al-Ruwais, governor of the Commission for Information and Communications Technologies, said the next few days will see the organization of a 3.5 GHz auction, intended in much of the deployment and implementation of fifth-generation technologies in the Kingdom.

He explained in a statement to "New 24On the sidelines of the Mobile World Congress, fifth-generation technology is one of the key initiatives of the long-term national strategy for the ICT sector, which aims to make the Kingdom one of the leading Middle East countries in the world. deployment of fifth generation services and solutions.

"The implementation of the strategy will begin with the provision of a bandwidth of 3.5 GHz to 4 GHz over the next six months, and the next step will be to establish a national team to deploy and implement the strategy. Fifth-generation solutions work, including the Telecommunications Authority, Suppliers, including Huawei, and other entities and companies.

He added that the Kingdom was counting on Huawei as one of the leading companies in providing fifth-generation technology and solutions, part of the national team, to provide expertise to overcome challenges and obstacles encountered in the implementation of this strategy.

Ruwais said it had been agreed with Huawei's vice president to provide an integrated plan to help the Kingdom develop developers to implement local applications tailored to the country's needs using national skills. by training on fifth-generation technologies and leveraging the Kingdom's strategic depth in the Middle East.

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