How do we understand Erdogan's behavior? Emad Eddin Hussein


Posted in:
Monday, March 4, 2019 – 9:50 p
| Last update:
Monday, March 4, 2019 – 9:50 p

What is the logical explanation for this violent attack by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan against the Egyptian government, the Syrian president and the regime in recent days, especially after the Arab-European summit that was held in Sharm El Sheikh Sunday and Monday?
I do not like to go into the "talk shows and brushes of the mullah" which is not suitable for anyone who respects himself in any camp, and I try to achieve a rational rationalization of this attack, unprecedented For years.
The first finding was that the attack had started with Erdogan, followed by a presidential spokesman, followed by the spokesman for the Justice and Development Party (AKP), and Erdogan had taken over the role of the president. attack Tuesday.
The essence of this attack is not only the execution of the final verdict of an Egyptian court on the execution of nine sentenced by the judiciary for the assassination of the l 39; former Attorney General Hisham Barakat at the end of June 2015, but also because of the great Turkish disappointment caused by the fact that Egypt hosted the Arab-Islamic summit in Europe.
This attack can be understood in the light of many interpretations.
First, there is perfect harmony between the Turkish President and some elements of his party with the Brothers, as if the parties had become a party or a group. Erdogan was more pragmatic and pragmatic in the past, especially when he went to Egypt under the regime of the Muslim Brotherhood and told them, "Secularism is the solution"! The day completely shocked the group, but it turned out later that all this unfortunately falls in the door of piety.
Erdogan now acts with Egypt, as if he was the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, and not the head of a large regional state with diverging interests with his own territory. He should not be involved in such conflicts, especially since Erdogan and his former governments raised the slogan "Zero World Problem". Problems with almost every world "!!
Secondly, it is clear that Erdogan is still betting on the isolation of the Egyptian regime at the international level. This is the only understanding we get from his shock at the top of Sharm el-Sheikh.
It is clear that he never understood that the Egyptian regime had defeated all attempts at isolation and siege.
In all his attacks and critics, Erdogan blames the Europeans: "How do you help this regime that executes the innocent, of course the members of its allies the Muslim Brotherhood?"
Thirdly, it is clear that the recent summit really hit Erdogan with a political shock, because when the majority of European leaders, including Angela Merkel, Trezza May, and all the leaders of the European Union are present, and when the majority of the leaders of the Arab world, including the Saudi monarch, Almost. The message to Erdogan and his allies that all their efforts since June 30, 2013 have almost failed.
It is natural that Erdogan is angry at this summit, as it is normal for the majority of Arabs to be angry at the Turkish-Iranian role in most Arab problems, especially in Syria, in exchange for the near total. -absence of Arab countries.
Thus, Erdogan and Iranian leaders believe that the Sharm el-Sheikh summit means that they are not the only ones able to influence, especially after the recent Warsaw Conference, which was aimed mainly at the siege of Iran. , and who witnessed an Israeli-golf-sponsored rapprochement sponsored by the United States.
Most likely, Erdogan was always trying to convince his allies of the group and other supporters that his pressure and international relations would besiege the Egyptian regime on a global scale and prevent the Egyptian authorities from carrying out the death sentences passed on convicted members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
All of a sudden, all that changed: the executions took place first and a few hours later, all of Europe arrived in Egypt, with the Arab world.
Politically, Erdogan's behavior can be understood and it is therefore not unlikely that the Brotherhood, or some of its affiliated forces or its extremist proxies and allies, will resort to close operations to prove to their sponsors that They are always present and influential. It is true that the operations have not stopped and that the latest is that of Sinai or the Gizeh field or the Red Line, but that the security services must be prepared for qualitative operations covered by the echoes of the unprecedented summit of Sharm El Sheikh Arab European, although the serious negligence accident at the Egypt station has been guaranteed to some of them !!

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