The inventor of the game "Momo Game" declares to be eliminated


Users of social networking sites have warned of the danger of a new scary game called Momo, which encourages children to commit suicide or threaten to kill them, such as the Blue Whale.

Facebook users have posted a photo of a fictional character with a macabre eye and a scary smile that would appear on some social media, especially on YouTube, between clips of children's programs and asking them to pick up serious challenges.

After a series of scary stories, it turned out that it was only a hoax. Momo was originally a sculpture of Japanese artist Kisuke Aisu, employee of Link Factory, specializing in the special effects industry of horror films.

Momo is the face of a girl with big eyes with two chicken legs. In fact, it bears the name "Motherbird" and has been shown at the Vanilla Art Gallery in Tokyo, and there is no indication that the company or any of its employees is participating in the vast challenge.

It has been shown that photos of Momo were added in unofficial versions of YouTube for children's shows and series, including Peppa Pig, and appeared as advertising.

The Japanese artist, who invented the Momo doll, confirmed that she had been eliminated after the release of the appalling film, adding that he felt responsible for the terrorized children by "sick people" who used the Internet in the so-called "Momo Challenge".

YouTube is working on removing videos containing Momo images.

Source: arabic.rt

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