Al Hassan: To be more aware of the dangers of the penetration of our societies Regional bodies working to destabilize Arab states


Beirut – "Life"


12 hours on March 4, 2019
– Last updated in
March 4, 2019 / 1:30 pm

Minister of the Interior and Municipalities Ria Hassan said that Lebanon "is and will not be part of regional centers or regional security systems, in violation of its role and obligations under the A common Arab action ", calling for" curbing the attempts of regional bodies that destabilize countries "and for intervening in its internal affairs, forcing us to pay more attention to the security risk , to the political and cultural penetration of our societies, and calls us to the highest degree of solidarity, to counter these risks and their implications for the security of our countries. "

During the 36th session of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior held in Tunis under the patronage of President Béji Kaid Sibsi, Minister of the Interior of the Arab States, high delegations security, representatives of the League of Arab States, the Arab Maghreb Union, Cooperation with the Arab States of the Gulf, the Arab Organization of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, International Criminal Police Organization ( Interpol), International Civil Defense Organization, United Nations Office against Terrorism, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, I and North Africa, Nayef Arab University of Science of the United Nations Security and Sports Federation of the Arab Police.

He is accompanied by a security delegation including the Director General of the Internal Security Forces, Major General Imad Othman, the representative of the Director General of General Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, Brigadier General Elias Al-Bisri and senior officers.

The greetings of Lebanese President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Saad Hariri were addressed to the Honorary President of the Council of Ministers and the President of the Republic of Lebanon, The Arab Minister of the Interior, the Minister of the Interior of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Prince Abdul Aziz bin Saud and Nayef bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, has played and continues to play a major role in the activation of a common Arab action at all levels, including cooperation and coordination between the ministries of the Interior.

"I am honored to have joined the Council of Arab Interior Ministers to be the first Minister of the Arab Interior to attend the meeting and the first woman to hold the post of Minister of the Interior. Interior in the Arab States, "she said. I am determined to take up this challenge, out of my national duty to serve my country and my people, and my belief that anyone who holds the rule of law does not pose the question of the distinction between the citizens of any other country. Race or color ", in the hope of succeeding in its mission and succeeding" to take over This responsibility, based on the ability of women in our Arab societies to assume responsibilities in all areas related to the management of public affairs " welcomed the progress made in many Arab countries in promoting women's participation in public and private affairs.

"Lebanon is always ready for maximum cooperation"

"Cooperation and coordination among the ministries of the interior of our countries are becoming increasingly important in view of the security risks our Arab world is facing," she said. "Lebanon's constant desire for maximum cooperation is the same as in the recent difficult years when the Arab world experienced conflict. Armed disturbances and social and security unrest, suspicious attempts to interfere in our affairs unprecedented clashes with terrorist groups. "" If Lebanon has had its share of these clashes and that it has killed civilian and military martyrs, we can confirm today that we have come out of the The experience of the war on terror and our success in defeating it by the heroic military battles fought by the Lebanese army, and the result of the pre-emptive and pre-emptive strikes, which succeeded the Lebanese security services, and including those of the Ministry of Interior, directing them to terrorist networks, "noting that" the Lebanese security services have confirmed their effectiveness and reunited, with the Lebanese army, the state's capacity and its diabolical institutions "This victory does not mean that we are satisfied with the end of the confrontation with extremism and terrorism." Spectrum of terrorism is always present and can be woken up at any time, and we must always take it into account, that there are terrorist elements that can be reintroduced into our societies despite the collapse of the regulatory framework brought together, we must therefore remain vigilant and vigilant and ready to face any emergency situation.

"In addition, we must stop at the attempts of regional organizations that are working to destabilize the Arab states and interfere in their internal affairs, forcing us to lend more money to the Arab states." attention to the security risk, the political and cultural penetration of our societies and the highest solidarity to avoid these risks and their consequences We must, more than ever, continue to promote the exchange of information and information. experiences between our ministries and, if it is urgent to activate the border controls, we must be aware that the virtual network or the Internet has become fertile ground for growth.Terror terrorist networks, And disseminate the policies of sectarian mobilization. "

Al-Hassan stressed the need to work on the following points, in parallel with the continuation of security efforts on the ground:

"1. Develop our ability to monitor suspicious activity through electronic communications.

2. Improve the means of coordination between relevant ministerial frameworks in this area.

3 – work towards the enactment of appropriate legislation, to prevent any exploitation of electronic means of communication for purposes of destabilization.

4. Guarantee the preservation of privacy and respect for private and public freedoms, within the framework of national interests and the laws in force. "

"That the return of displaced persons is an Arab and international priority"

"Coordination at the international and Arab levels through the INTERPOL General Secretariat and the General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior has proved effective in the fight against terrorism and terrorism. 39; other cross-border and organized crimes, such as arms smuggling, money laundering, human trafficking and illegal migration. "Forced migration caused by the armed conflict in some of our countries , especially the massive displacement caused by the war in Syria, poses a major economic, social and security challenge to the host countries of the displaced, mainly Lebanon. "" We reaffirm our commitment that the return of the displaced Syrians should be an Arab and international priority and that these conditions of security and return with dignity should be brought together in the light of a political solution that allows Syria to recover its natural position among its Arab brothers, "she said. "Lebanon needs the support of its brothers.Sure conditions for this return, faced with the heavy burden of accommodating displaced people, because of this issue, the impact at all levels, especially in terms of security, social and economic.

In Lebanon, she said: "Despite all the challenges and repercussions of the Syrian conflict on our country, Lebanon managed last year to hold legislative elections., In the hope of achieving economic and social progress. to continue the process of stability of security.

"The initiative of the Kingdom is appreciated and appreciated"

Welcoming the "generous support of our Arab brothers and partners of Lebanon in the Program of Promotion and Investment", she said: "The fraternal initiative of Saudi Arabia to warn its citizens to go to Lebanon is an honorable and effective initiative of the Lebanese Government and people. "I would like from this platform to assure the brothers of the Gulf States and other Arab brothers that the security situation in Lebanon is fully controlled, that all brothers can rest assured that Lebanese are open to welcome them all the time, "reassured that" the administrative and security organs is currently working to improve procedures at Rafik Hariri International Airport through the implementation of a national strategy of aviation safety and in terms of public safety, which constitute the elements of the airport, the front of the Security in Lebanon, The mechanization and adoption of a biometric passport have a significant positive impact on its work thanks to the testimonials of all concerned international bodies.

She stressed that "ISPs play a key role in the stability of security, in which tourism is booming, and began to implement its strategic plan for the next five years and has achieved remarkable success in reducing the crime rate and has shown a record speed in revealing the perpetrators of terrorist crimes and cells ". "The next step to which we attach great importance is the involvement of civil society organizations in the efforts of the security forces, particularly in the fight against drugs and domestic violence. , we will strive to activate the principle of community safety. "

"Our ambitions are numerous and numerous, including the rehabilitation and development of prisons, as well as the strengthening of civil defense capabilities, so that this depends not only on the courage of its members and dependents, but also of modern equipment allowing it to ensure the safety of citizens, residents and tourists. "

"As we embark on the implementation of development and modernization plans, among the reform efforts that the new Lebanese government intends to pursue at all levels, I would like to stress at the end of my statement that Lebanon does not want to see it. has never been part of any regional axis, and is not party to any regional security system that violates its role and its obligations as part of a common Arab action ", reaffirms its desire to" cooperate and coordinate its activities with the ministries of the interior of the sister countries, and that the Secretary of the Conference marks a step forward in strengthening this cooperation ".

Minister of the Interior Saudi: the Kingdom supports stability in Lebanon

On the sidelines of the conference, Al Hassan held a meeting with Saudi Interior Minister, Prince Abdul Aziz bin Saud Bin Nayef, who stressed "the strong relationship between Saudi Arabia and Lebanon, which is an old and old relationship ", emphasizing that" the Kingdom supports stability in Lebanon ". "The formation process of a government", and welcomed the "appointment of a woman minister of the interior."

… UAE Minister of the Interior boasts the merits of a "solid relationship"

Al Hassan met with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who welcomed the "close relations between Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates" . Play as the United Arab Emirates government in promoting the role of Emirati women in all forums, departments and positions. "

Omani Interior Minister Hamoud bin Faisal al-Bo Said, who stressed the "strengthening of security cooperation frameworks between the two countries", also called for "the formation of the Lebanese government and the appointment of a woman minister of the Interior ", calling" the Arab countries to follow the example of Lebanon in this area ", and that Omani women play a major role in the process of edification of the nation and society. "

Al-Hassan met with his Tunisian counterpart, Hicham Al-Furati, and it was agreed to exchange visits to establish a framework for security cooperation between Lebanon and Tunisia. Al Hassan noted "the measures taken by Tunisia in the field of combating domestic violence and violence against women", in the hope of "learning lessons from". Tunisian experience in this field "and invited his Tunisian counterpart to" go to Lebanon, which welcomed this invitation ".

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