Here is the "Abu Dhabi" frequency of the Abu Dhabi Sports Channel HD channel, SD in March 2019, broadcast live by exclusive Arab League broadcasters. Moon Nile Sat .. Arabs Sat Badr ..Türkmenlemlem


Abu Dhabi Sports Channel Abu Dhabi is not a single channel, but a variety of channels: Abu Dhabi's HD 3 and Abu Dhabi TV channels have been able to spread widely in the Arab world, including sports channels. from Abu Dhabi. Major sporting events, whether Arab or international

Abu Dhabi Sports Channel currently transfers matches from the Arab League, presents and transfers league games to the United Arab Emirates, as well as important games from the Gulf Patrols, as well as numerous European tournaments. High in a short time for the wonderful content and excellence that it offers,

Abu Dhabi chains have been developing and modernizing for a long time: they have used the latest international technologies and attracted many of the most famous stars and journalists in the Arab world, benefiting from a high quality voice.

Abu Dhabi Sports Channel Frequency

This report is a comprehensive guide to all frequencies of open and encrypted Abu Dhabi sports channels, HD technology and SD technology. We also display the frequencies of all satellite channels broadcasting channels of Abu Dhabi, What we present here in this report is the most recent of the new frequencies in 2019.

New frequency of Abu Dhabi sports channel

Open Abu Dhabi sports channels and encrypted

Open channels are free channels that it is not necessary to watch. Payment of any monthly subscription accessible to all on the Nile and Arabsat. They include the following channels:

  • Abu Dhabi Sports Channel
  • Abu Dhabi Sports Channel
  • Abu Dhabi Sports Extra
  • Abu Dhabi Sports HD Channel
  • Abu Dhabi Sports HD Channel
  • Abu Dhabi Sports HD Channel
  • Abu Dhabi Sports HD Channel
  • Abu Dhabi Sports Channel
  • Abu Dhabi Sports Channel
  • Abu Dhabi Sports Channel

Abu Dhabi Sports Channel

Channel Satellite Frequency Coding factor Polarization Corrects the error
Abu Dhabi Sports Channel Nilesat 12226 27500 Horizontal 5/6

Full frequencies of the Abu Dhabi Canal on Nilesat

Channel The moon Frequency Encoding rate Polarization Correction coefficient
Abu Dhabi Sports Open Channels Nilesat 12226 27500 H 3/4
Abu Dhabi encrypted sports channels Nilesat 12467 27500 H 2/3
Abu Dhabi Sports 1, 2 and 3 Nilesat 11804 27500 H 5/6
Abu Dhabi Sports Channel Nilesat 12092 27500 V 5/6
Abu Dhabi Sports HD Nilesat 12092 27500 V 5/6
Abu Dhabi Sports HD Nilesat 12092 27500 V 5/6

The frequency of Abu Dhabi's channels is complete on all satellites

Abu Dhabi new sports channel frequency
Abu Dhabi new sports channel frequency
Channel name The moon Frequency Coding factor Polarization Correction coefficient
Abu Dhabi Channel Nilesat 11938 27500 Vertical V 3/4
Abu Dhabi Channel Frequencies Nilesat 12226 27500 Horizontal H 3/4
Frequencies of the channels in Abu Dhabi Sat Arab 11804 27500 Horizontal H 3/4
Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Nilesat 11823 27500 Vertical V 3/4
Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Sat Arab 11804 27500 Horizontal H 3/4
Premier Abu Dhabi +1 Badr (Arabsat) 11804 27500 Horizontal H 3/4
Abu Dhabi Sports Nilesat 12226 27500 Horizontal H 3/4
Abu Dhabi Sports Badr (Arabsat) 11804 27500 Horizontal H 3/4
Abu Dhabi Sports 2 Nilesat 12226 27500 Horizontal H 3/4
Abu Dhabi Sports 2 Ali Badr (Arabsat) 11804 27500 Horizontal H 3/4
Abu Dhabi Sports 3 Ali Badr (Arabsat) 11804 27500 Horizontal H 3/4
National Geographic Badr (Arabsat) 11804 27500 Horizontal H 3/4
National Geographic Nilesat 12226 27500 Horizontal H 3/4
Abu Dhabi Sports Channel Türkmenlemlem 11804 27500 Horizontal H
Abu Dhabi Sports HD Channel Türkmenlemlem 12456 27500 Vertical V
Abu Dhabi Sports Channel Nilesat 201 12092 27500 Vertical V 5/6

It should be noted that Dubai Media Incorporated has several satellite channels, for example:

  • Abu Dhabi Sports Channel
  • National Geographic Documentary Channel Abu Dhabi
  • Abu Dhabi Drama Channel

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Dubai Media Incorporated also has many websites, as well as many publishing houses. The Foundation is a very large and global media.

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