6 signs of infiltration of the "silent killer" at home … Attention to the flu



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Information on the infiltration of the "silent killer" has been published and has become the second leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease.

"Lung cancer" is one of those diseases that suddenly infiltrate a human being and is only felt at an advanced stage, killing up to 25% of adults with cancer, reported The Ipoh Times newspaper.

The newspaper warned that the crisis behind it, is that simple and normal symptoms may be the beginning of lung cancer, such as flu or cough, and that many do not care.

The newspaper monitored the 6 signs, which could lead to lung cancer infiltration to any one.

These signs were:

Cough continues:

The cough is always accompanied by vaccines against the flu and disappears after a few weeks. It can be "dry" or accompanied by sputum. She does not try to waste a lot of time and goes to the doctor, but watch out for early lung cancer.

2 – cough with blood:

This may be the harbinger of deteriorating health when you find that the cough emerges with a small amount of mucus mixed with blood or even simple blood patches.

Here you should go immediately to the doctor.

shortness of breath:

These symptoms often occur in older adults and are more likely to be experienced when doing extra exercise, such as climbing stairs or doing tasks that were previously simple and currently feel very tired.

4 – chest pain:

This pain can appear in the chest, back, shoulders and often increases with frequent coughing or coughing when you laugh or take deep breaths.

This can be a symptom of other diseases such as infections or pulmonary embolism, but you should go see your doctor quickly.

5 – hoarseness voice:

The cold or the flu can change tone and become coarse or rough for about a week or two, but if it is prolonged, it can be a cancerous tumor that puts pressure on them. vocal cords.

6. Unjustified weight loss and appetite:

Lung cancer causes excessive loss of appetite, resulting in excessive weight loss, which we absolutely must not ignore.

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